3d Glossy Interface Set icon sets
This icon sets contains 54 free png icons, all of these icons are png format
This icon sets was uploaded in . you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
support, query, help, about, question icon -
support, help, info, about, information icon -
create, new, green, plus, add icon -
up, arrow, direction, update icon -
down, download, arrow, direction icon -
next, forward, arrow, direction, right icon -
arrow, reload, synchronize, update, refresh, renew, sync icon -
up, arrow, upload, direction icon -
left, direction, previous, back, arrow icon -
add, new, green, plus, create icon -
help, question, query, mark, support icon -
session, logout, exit, red, log out, arrow, quit icon -
delete, logout, forbid, cross, remove, close, exit, red icon -
arrow, right, direction, next icon -
update, arrow, refresh, reload, glossy, repeat, renew icon -
sign, question, info, about, faq, help, support, information icon -
arrow, update, reload, refresh, green, renew, glossy icon -
arrow, previous, left, back, direction icon -
school, scissors, education, tools, ruler, cutter, cut icon -
brick, red minus, delete, negative, sign subtract, negative sign, minus, remove icon -
no camping, entry, closed, delete, close, no, no parking, no entry, exit icon -
question, help, faq, about, support, sign, information, info icon -
change, green, exchange, session, arrow, power, swap, glossy, switch icon -
power, on, light, off, power off, electric, turn, energy, electricity icon -
store, download, drive, disk, save, storage, saving, floppy, disc icon -
exchange, synchronize, arrow, refresh, reload, arrows, sync, update, change, renew icon -
left, edit, redo, restore, back, revert, turn, arrow, undo, rotate icon -
plus, new, cross, medical, green, expand, create, add, make, mean icon -
go, redo, forward, restore, revert, turn, rotate, right, undo, arrow icon -
cancel, control, ignore, abort, sign, terminate, pause, halt, stop, play icon -
glass, view, search, look, glossy, explore, zoom, magnifying, find, magnifier, magnifying glass, explorer icon -
tick, yes, validation, success, accept, checkmark, mark, test, check, ok, valid icon -
warning, abort, terminate, attention, red, cancel, stop, alert, control, hand, pause icon -
check, tick, test, success, checkmark, mark, valid, validation, accept, ok, apply, yes icon -
options, config, tool, gears, system, application, preferences, desktop, tools, gear, settings, control icon -
restrict, no entry, delete, no exit, forbidden, restricted, entry, remove, no, close, minus, closed, forbid icon -
exploerer, view, find, glossy, explorer, binoculars, finder, navigator, binocular, zoom, search, locate icon -
courier, sport, people, faster, run, sports, life, fast, man, forward, running, delivery, runner icon -
again, repeat, reload, rotate, sync, circulation, synchronize, arrow, update, exchange, flip, refresh, flipping icon -
mark, error, danger, alert, warn, important, help, problem, warning, prompt, hanger, message, attention, exclamation icon -
forbidden, glossy, cancel, restricted, minus, brick, forbid, stop, entry, closed, sign, no access, remove, no icon -
validation, valid, ready, verify, yes, done, success, correct, good, sign, ok, vote, green, tick, mark, accept icon -
caution, cautious, alert, hanger, important, beware, error, problem, warning, help, attention, danger, prompt, mark, exclamation, message icon -
delete, cross, wrong, cancelled, terminate, error, termination, erase, remove, no, control, exit, close, reject, stop, invalid, err icon -
error, attention, warning, cautious, problem, message, hanger, caution, help, danger, alert, exclamation, prompt, beware, important, mark icon -
stop, cancelled, control, remove, err, close, wrong, cross, exit, termination, terminate, error, reject, delete, erase, no, invalid icon -
message, hanger, error, prompt, caution, help, exclamation, alert, beware, mark, important, danger, warning, cautious, problem, attention icon -
control, desktop, de, machine, tool, settings, application, preferences, tools, work, contact, generator, engineering, system, reductor, configuration, applications, gear, mime, gears icon -
error, beware, important, caution, message, mark, cautious, prompt, danger, warning, hanger, alert, exclamation, help, attention, problem icon -
cancel, termination, no, close, erase, stop, err, delete, error, invalid, control, cancelled, wrong, remove, exit, cross, reject, terminate icon -
generator, machine, configuration, gear, preferences, applications, tools, system, reductor, mime, engineering, control, gears, contact, desktop, work, tool, settings, application icon -
cur, mouse, cursor, drag, navigation, expand, up, back, grow, resize, down, pointer, enalrge, left, place, move, arrow, arrows icon -
ready, ok, approved, done, sign, tick, vote, green, validation, choice, correct, accept, mark, good, success, verify, checkmark, check, agree, yes, valid icon -
setting, preferences, service, repair, config, equip, htaccess, tool, conf, wrench, desktop, options, settings, sys, production, job, hammer, work, control, gear, tools, configuration, equipment, system icon
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