Arrows and Universal Actions Set icon sets
This icon sets contains 26 free vector icons, all of these icons are svg format
This icon sets was uploaded in . you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
exit, delete, close, cancel, remove, cross icon -
direction, back, arrow, left, arrows, chevron icon -
forward, next, direction, arrows, chevron, right, arrow icon -
sign, new, circle, plus, add, create icon -
forward, next, arrows, circle, right, arrow, direction icon -
close, cancel, exit, circle, delete, cross, remove icon -
remove, minimize, delete, sign, minus icon -
plus, create, new, sign, add icon -
down, arrows, chevron, bottom, arrow, direction icon -
close, remove, minimize, circle, minus icon -
left, back, arrows, chevron, circle, direction, arrow icon -
check, ok, complete, circle, correct, yes, accept icon -
arrow, navigation, back, direction, left, arrows, circle icon -
forward, next, circle, direction, right, arrows, arrow icon -
more, options, circle, dots icon -
yes, right, correct, check, complete, ok, accept icon -
more, dots, waiting, options icon -
arrows, chevron, direction, arrow, circle, bottom, down icon -
left, direction, arrows, arrow, navigation, back icon -
arrow, circle, top, up, direction, arrows, chevron icon -
top, arrow, chevron, direction, up, arrows, close icon -
navigation, next, arrow, forward, right, arrows, direction icon -
top, arrow, circle, up, navigation, direction, arrows icon -
arrows, up, arrow, navigation, direction, upload, top icon -
download, bottom, navigation, arrows, direction, down, arrow, circle icon -
download, direction, down, arrow, bottom, arrows, navigation icon
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