call, device, mobile, phone, smartphone icon download

- Format:
- svg
- Width:
- 128px
- Height:
- 128px
- File size:
- 1.24KB
- Upload:
- Tags: call device mobile phone smartphone
- Belong to icon sets: Glyphs icon sets
This icon is a vector icon, you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
- Download: png icon (1.24KB) svg icon(515B) 16x16 ico 32x32 ico 64x64 ico 128x128 ico
- Css sprites: Add to css sprites generator
Download common sizes of this icon
These icons also belongs to icon sets "Glyphs"
close, exit, logout, power icon -
new, note, notifications, bell icon -
location, adress, position, gps, pin icon -
fly, send, messager icon -
man, user, customer icon -
letter, mail, message, email icon -
complite, accept, check, added, yes icon -
player, next, music icon -
menu, list, catalogue, burger icon -
arrow, music, play icon -
password, open, code icon -
customer, userphoto, user icon -
discount, notes, bill icon -
graph, business, dashboard, chart icon -
home, main, room icon -
call, device, mobile, phone, smartphone icon -
delete, remove, basket, action icon -
update, refrech, reload, arrow icon -
save, add, arrow, download icon -
mechanism, options, settings icon -
show, eye, view, transparent icon -
display, interface, ui, blocks icon -
arrow, next, share icon -
new, add, create, plus icon -
remove, close, delete, exit icon -
reload, load, arrow, refresh icon -
magnifier, search, find icon -
save, paste, folder icon -
checked, favorite, star icon - View All
Related icons of this icon
mobile, phones, devices, smartphone, call icon -
smartphone, cell, mobile, device, call, phone, telephone icon -
vertical, call, phone, smartphone, mobile, device, iphone icon -
device, iphone, vertical, call, stroke, smartphone, mobile, phone icon -
stroke, smartphone, horizontal, phone, call, iphone, device, mobile icon -
horizontal, phone, mobile, telephone, device, smartphone, communication, call icon -
communication, apple, telephone, phone, mobile, device, smartphone, call icon -
vertical, phone, device, call, smartphone, communication, telephone, mobile, iphone icon -
talk, phone, apps, smartphone, cellular, device, mobile, telephone, call icon -
phone, cellphone, technology, telephone, smartphone, vertical, mobile, device, call, communication icon -
call, horizontal, mobile, cellphone, iphone, device, phone, communication, smartphone, telephone icon -
smartphones, mobiles, devices, phones icon -
call, cell, mobile, iphone, phone, smartphone icon -
mobile device, cell phone, mobile phone, chat, apple, phone, contact, touch screen, touchscreen, mobile, call, smartphone, telephone, talk, technology, cellphone, display icon -
Call, Device, Mobile, Phone icon -
call, phone, mobile, device icon -
phone, mobile, call, device icon -
lumia, device, smartphone, mobile, phone icon -
android, device, mobile, phone, smartphone icon -
handheld, mobile, call, iphone, smartphone, telephone, phone icon -
smartphone, phone, mobile, device, android icon -
communication, call, mobile, telephone, phone, message, smartphone icon -
window, call, phone, mobile, smartphone, cell, windows icon -
phone, smartphone, apple, iphone, device, mobile icon -
mobile, device, smartphone, phone, technology, communication icon -
phone, horizontal, device, iphone, communication, call, smartphone, telephone icon -
mobile, telephone, phone, call, contact, device icon -
communication, mobile, telephone, iphone, device, phone, smartphone icon -
windows phone, computer, device, mobile, smartphone, windows, phone icon -
smartphone, phone, technology, device, electronics, mobile, appliance icon -
vertical, technology, device, smartphones, smartphone, phone, iphones, mobile, iphone icon -
stroke, smartphones, smartphone, iphone, device, phone, mobile, iphones, horizontal icon -
mobile, iphones, phone, device, communication, smartphones, horizontal icon -
iphones, mobile, communication, vertical, smartphones, phone, device icon -
phone, computer, device, smartphone, android, robot, mobile icon -
device, mobile, smartphone, system, phone, android, software icon -
telephone, mobile, tablet, phone, smartphone, iphone, device icon -
device, android, cloud computing, mobile, smartphone, phone, cloud icon -
Smartphone icon