call, social, skype, media icon download

- Format:
- svg
- Width:
- 128px
- Height:
- 128px
- File size:
- 14.9KB
- Upload:
- Tags: call social skype media
- Belong to icon sets: flat colourful icon sets
This icon is a vector icon, you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
- Download: png icon (14.9KB) svg icon(941.52KB) 16x16 ico 32x32 ico 64x64 ico 128x128 ico
- Css sprites: Add to css sprites generator
Download common sizes of this icon
These icons also belongs to icon sets "flat colourful"
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Related icons of this icon
social, social media, call, skype, communication icon -
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social, chat, talk, call, skype icon -
voip, call, skype icon -
skype, call, messenger icon -
social, video, chat, call, connect, skype icon -
chat, skype, social, call icon -
dial, communication, call, messenger, skype icon -
skype, call icon -
software, internet, skype, call, social icon -
social media, talk, help, social, conference, messenger, logo, call, communication, message, comment, skype, chat icon -
message, call, chat, skype, social icon -
social, communication, chat, skype, logo, call icon -
talk, chat, skype, social, call, communication icon -
call, video chat, skype, talk, communication icon -
online calls, skype, skype logo icon -
classic, call, skype, contact icon -
skype, line, circles, social, neon, voice, call icon -
skype, phone, video, chat, internet, voice, call icon -
internet, voice, skype, chat, call, phone, video icon -
call, skype, phone, chat, voice, video, internet icon -
video, internet, chat, voice, phone, call, skype icon -
skype, chat, storage, app, video call, social, folder icon -
message, call, talk, chat, skype, logo, communication, social icon -
app, social, skype, message, cloud, video call, chat icon -
creative, talk, chat, skype, communication, shape, video, social-network, business, social-media, message, speech, grid, call, audio icon -
creative, message, social-media, speech, video, shape, chat, communication, call, business, skype, audio, grid, social-network, talk icon -
logo, voip, messenger, call, skype icon -
telephone, call, chat, communication, skype icon -
calling, skype icon -
call to parents, socialize, screen, resolutions, skype, communication, talk icon -
chat, microsoft, voice, call, skype, video icon -
call, chat, microsoft, video, skype, voice icon