cancel, no, forbidden icon download

- Format:
- svg
- Width:
- 128px
- Height:
- 128px
- File size:
- 2.3KB
- Upload:
- Tags: cancel no forbidden
- Belong to icon sets: Very Basic. Android L (Lollipop) icon sets
This icon is a vector icon, you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
- Download: png icon (2.3KB) svg icon(591B) 16x16 ico 32x32 ico 64x64 ico 128x128 ico
- Css sprites: Add to css sprites generator
Download common sizes of this icon
These icons also belongs to icon sets "Very Basic. Android L (Lollipop)"
vote, love, like, heart icon -
close, delete, cross icon -
menu list formating icon -
move, arrows, cursor, pointer icon -
heart, favorite, like, love icon -
international, world, globe, web, internet, browser icon -
warning, attention, alert, problem icon -
cancel, no, forbidden icon -
check mark, yes, done, good, ok, checkmark icon -
protection, key, login, protect, secure, private icon -
checked, ok, accept, yes icon -
calculation, finance, financial, calculator icon -
time, event, alarm, clock icon -
download, box, downloads icon -
checked, accept, choose, yes, ok icon -
light bulb, energy, electricity, idea icon -
contact, contacts, connection, communication, book icon -
lock, private, privacy, protect icon -
home, house, building, real estate icon -
arrow, download, cloud, files icon -
configuration, menu, tools icon -
link, web, internet icon -
file, documents, music, audio icon -
file, files, folder icon -
time, event, clock, watch, alarm icon -
calendar, timetable, event, schedule, month, date icon -
photo, picture, frame icon -
remove, minus, math icon -
flag, pin, national, county icon - View All
Related icons of this icon
close, stop, delete, forbidden, application, remove, del, no, cancel icon -
restricted, sign, minus, closed, cancel, forbid, remove, forbidden, glossy, entry, no access, no icon -
forbidden, glossy, cancel, restricted, minus, brick, forbid, stop, entry, closed, sign, no access, remove, no icon -
sign, glossy, restricted, cancel, forbid, entry, brick, forbidden, no, no access, minus, remove, closed, stop icon -
minus, brick, cancel, stop, glossy, no access, sign, forbid, remove, no, closed, entry, restricted, forbidden icon -
forbidden, cancel, minus, forbid, glossy, restricted, remove, no, sign, stop, brick, entry, closed, no access icon -
no, stop, glossy, remove, no access, sign, cancel, entry, forbidden, forbid, minus, closed, brick, restricted icon -
cancel, forbidden icon -
no, circle, forbidden icon -
Cancel, Delete, Forbidden icon