colors, desktop, gnome, emblem icon download

- Format:
- png
- Width:
- 64px
- Height:
- 64px
- File size:
- 1.66KB
- Upload:
- Tags: gnome colors emblem desktop
- Belong to icon sets: GNOME Desktop icon sets
This icon is a transparent background png icon, you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
- Download: png icon (1.66KB) 16x16 ico 32x32 ico 64x64 ico
- Css sprites: Add to css sprites generator
Download common sizes of this icon
These icons also belongs to icon sets "GNOME Desktop"
pic, picture, gnome, image, loading, photo icon -
red, application, default icon -
paper, plus, document, archive, add, file icon -
gnome, file, property, document, paper icon -
gnome, scattered, shower, weather, climate icon -
gnome, personal, configure, desktop, preference, option, config, setting, configuration icon -
file, recent, document, paper, gnome, open icon -
zoom, original, gnome icon -
gnome, video, camera, photography icon -
gnome, other, application icon -
letter, right, gnome, envelop, correct, forward, message, email, arrow, yes, ok, mail, next icon -
list, del, gnome, listing, delete, remove icon -
file, document, format, bold, gnome, text icon -
full screen, expand, fullscreen, gnome, view icon -
emblem, shared, gnome icon -
gnome, tool, spelling, utility, check icon -
read, letter, envelop, gnome, message, mail, email icon -
generic, gnome, emblem icon -
gnome, paper, manager, document, file, system icon -
computer, gnome icon -
gnome, text, html, document, file icon -
folder, gnome, new icon -
gnome, prev, previous, backward, back, left icon -
media, gnome, shuffle, playlist icon -
software, gnome, installer, system icon -
prev, gnome, seek, find, left, backward, previous, search, back, arrow, media icon -
seek, write, gnome, edit, writing, find, search icon -
caution, energy, battery, charge, gnome icon -
soon, gnome, appointment icon - View All
Related icons of this icon
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Colors, Desktop, Emblem, Gnome icon -
emblem, gnome, colors, desktop icon -
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desktop, 64, gnome, emblem, colors icon -
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colors, desktop, emblem, red, gnome icon -
Colors, Desktop, Emblem, Gnome, Red icon -
Colors, Desktop, Emblem, Gnome, Orange icon -
Colors, Desktop, Emblem, Gnome, Orange icon -
Colors, Desktop, Emblem, Gnome, Red icon -
emblem, orange, desktop, colors, gnome icon -
colors, emblem, red, gnome, desktop icon -
48, red, emblem, gnome, desktop, colors icon -
colors, emblem, orange, desktop, gnome, 48 icon -
orange, gnome, 64, desktop, emblem, colors icon -
64, colors, red, desktop, gnome, emblem icon -
gnome,colors,emblem icon -
gnome,colors,emblem icon -
gnome,colors,emblem icon -
gnome,colors,emblem icon -
green, gnome, colors, emblem icon -
Colors, Emblem, Gnome, Green icon -
Colors, Emblem, Gnome, Green icon -
gnome, green, colors, emblem icon -
64, colors, gnome, emblem, green icon -
48, gnome, green, emblem, colors icon