delete, trash, remove, recycle, bin icon download
![delete, trash, remove, recycle, bin icon](
- Format:
- svg
- Width:
- 128px
- Height:
- 128px
- File size:
- 2.53KB
- Upload:
- Tags: delete trash remove recycle bin
- Belong to icon sets: Player icon sets
This icon is a vector icon, you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
- Download: png icon (2.53KB) svg icon(1.28KB) 16x16 ico 32x32 ico 64x64 ico 128x128 ico
- Css sprites: Add to css sprites generator
Download common sizes of this icon
These icons also belongs to icon sets "Player"
person, user, profile, male, man, avatar, account icon -
playlist, music, menu, list, player, control icon -
users, members, team, people, followers, group, accounts icon -
options, control, menu icon -
shop, shopping, cart, basket, buy, shopping cart, purchase icon -
delete, close, remove, x, cancel, exit icon -
back, previous, control, last, left icon -
play, player, forward, skip, next, option, music icon -
control, play, player, audio, arrow, music, sound icon -
delete, trash, remove, recycle, bin icon -
tick, check, accept, approve, yes, ok, mark icon -
dislike, bad, hand, down icon -
repeat, refresh, synchronize, reload, retweet, renew, sync icon -
send, email, envelope, mail, message, letter icon -
star, favorite, badge, like, bookmark, best, favourite icon -
cloud, social, share, sharing icon -
random, music, shuffle play, arrows, player, shuffle, play random icon -
media, library, catalog, archive, audio, box, catalogue icon -
stop, sound, pause, media, music, player icon -
arrow, control, down, save, download icon -
mute, control, volume, player, sound, silent icon -
sound, player, plus, add, multimedia, music icon -
bookmark, favourite, like, favorite, favorites, heart, love icon -
player, up, upload, control icon -
options, volume, sound, player, settings, control icon -
song, playlist, music, add, new, plus icon -
volume, sound, coverage, network, radio, audio icon -
smartphones, mobiles, devices, phones icon -
search music, view, magnifier, search audio, find, look, search icon - View All
Related icons of this icon
trash, bin, remove, delete, recycle bin icon -
recycle, bin, delete, remove, garbage, trash icon -
recycle bin, del, delete, remove, trash icon -
garbage, delete, remove, recycle, trash, bin icon -
delete, dustbin, recycle, bin, remove, trash icon -
delete, trash, bin, dustbin, remove, recycle icon -
remove, delete, garbage, recycle bin, del, trash icon -
bin, out, delete, empty, remove, trash, recycle icon -
remove, recycle, trash, bin, garbage, delete, editor icon -
trash, delete, del, recycle bin, garbage, remove icon -
del, trash, remove, can, recycle bin, delete icon -
trash, remove, can, delete, recycle bin, del icon -
recycle bin, trash, can, del, remove, delete icon -
recycle bin, del, trash, remove, delete, can icon -
remove, bin, garbage, delete, cancel, trash, recycle icon -
cancel, trash, garbage, delete, recycle, remove, bin icon -
recycling, trash, bin, garbage, junk, remove, delete icon -
recycle, garbage, remove, trash, delete, stroke, editor, bin icon -
delete, del, recycle bin, garbage, full, trash, remove icon -
del, garbage, recycle bin, empty, remove, trash, delete, blank icon -
del, edit, remove, recycle bin, write, trash, writing, delete icon -
Bin, Delete, Recycle, Trash icon -
recycle bin, trash, delete icon -
trash, remove, delete, bin icon -
bin, ban, remove, delete, recycle, recycle bin icon -
recycle bin, recycle, delete, remove, ban, bin icon -
trash, remove, delete, bin icon -
trash can, delete, trash, recycle bin icon -
remove, cross, bin, delete, close, minus, out, exit, garbage, recycle, empty, trash, cancel icon -
remove, basket, recycle, bin, recyclerecycle bin, trash bin icon -
recycle bin, trash, garbage, delete icon -
Bin, Delete, Garbage, Recycle, Trash icon -
delete, garbage, recycle bin, trash icon -
trash, bin, trash can, trash bin, remove, delete icon -
Bin, Can, Delete, Recycle, Trash icon -
recycle, trash, trashcan, bin, editor, delete icon -
bin, delete, trash, recycle, editor, trashcan icon -
delete, recycle, bin, trashcan, editor, trash icon -
trash, remove, empty, delete, junk, bin icon -
trash, junk, remove, empty, bin, delete icon -
remove, delete, recycle, trash, cancel, close icon -
recycle, male, delete, bin, user, remove, ban icon -
delete, use me, dustbin, trash, bin, remove icon