document,arrow,file icon download

- Format:
- png
- Width:
- 16px
- Height:
- 16px
- File size:
- 582B
- Upload:
- Tags: document arrow file
- Belong to icon sets: Fugue icon sets
This icon is a transparent background png icon, you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
- Download: png icon (582B) 16x16 ico
- Css sprites: Add to css sprites generator
Download common sizes of this icon
These icons also belongs to icon sets "Fugue"
document,stand,file icon -
game,monitor,gaming icon -
status,busy icon -
weather,climate icon -
pill,exclamation,warning icon -
map icon -
database,import,db icon -
counter,count,countup icon -
burn,small icon -
cards icon -
ui,combo,box icon -
bean,arrow icon -
document,file,paper icon -
mail,exclamation,warning icon -
application,minus,subtract icon -
wand,plus,add icon -
spray,plus,add icon -
cross,small icon -
magnifier,zoom,fit icon -
layer icon -
water,exclamation,warning icon -
arrow,stop,cancel icon -
microphone,mic icon -
sitemap,image,pic icon -
folder,open,document icon -
ui,flow icon -
image,vertical,pic icon -
sort,arrow icon -
flask icon - View All
Related icons of this icon
paper, document, file, arrow icon -
arrow, document, paper, bag, file icon -
arrow, file, import, document, right icon -
paper, document, file, arrow, plane, airplane icon -
arrow, file, document, import, paper, move icon -
file, arrow, paper, doc, export, document icon -
Arrow, Document, File, Import, Left, Move icon -
file, document, import, left, arrow, move icon -
down, download file, arrow, file, download, document, downloading icon -
document, documents, file, page, paper, text, download, down, arrow icon -
push, document, paper, send, purpose, arrow, file icon -
add, file, document, data, format, arrow, upload icon -
back, document, paper, left, arrow, file, previous, backward, prev icon -
back, previous, text, document, prev, arrow, backward, left, file icon -
left, arrow, text, back, file, prev, previous, document, backward icon -
left, backward, arrow, align, file, document, prev, previous, back, text icon -
document, arrow, right, paper, file, correct, next, yes, ok, forward icon -
back, align, previous, arrow, file, text, left, backward, prev, document icon -
previous, document, padding, back, arrow, prev, left, file, text, backward icon -
prev, text, arrow, back, file, backward, document, previous, left, align icon -
file, prev, backward, padding, text, arrow, back, previous, document, left icon -
backward, back, document, arrow, left, previous, file, prev, align, text icon -
ok, correct, document, right, text, next, forward, yes, arrow, file icon -
yes, forward, ok, next, text, correct, arrow, right, file, document icon -
backward, text, align, file, back, left, document, previous, prev, arrow icon -
previous, backward, back, prev, document, file, padding, left, text, arrow icon -
correct, file, align, ok, arrow, right, forward, text, document, yes, next icon -
file, arrow, align, backward, rich, text, prev, back, document, left, previous icon -
forward, right, ok, document, arrow, text, correct, align, next, file, yes icon -
file, correct, right, padding, text, forward, document, ok, next, arrow, yes icon -
arrow, text, yes, document, ok, next, padding, forward, right, correct, file icon -
text, align, yes, arrow, forward, document, file, right, next, ok, correct icon -
page, document, right, ok, yes, forward, paper, arrow, correct, next, file icon -
yes, next, ok, file, right, correct, document, arrow, forward, text, align icon -
arrow, align, document, correct, file, right, next, ok, forward, text, yes icon -
next, arrow, forward, file, padding, correct, text, yes, document, ok, right icon -
correct, yes, text, next, align, document, ok, right, arrow, forward, file icon -
rich, file, next, align, forward, yes, ok, text, correct, document, right, arrow icon -
document, descending, blue, file, fall, list, paper, arrow, down, listing, descend, kget, download, decrease icon -
left, prev, message, envelop, document, back, paper, file, email, backward, previous, mail, letter, arrow icon -
Refresh File icon -
correct, yes, email, arrow, file, document, forward, letter, paper, ok, next, envelop, right, message, mail icon -
document, backward, correct, ok, file, next, back, arrow, previous, text, prev, left, right, forward, yes icon -
prev, arrow, correct, left, backward, next, back, right, previous, document, forward, yes, file, text, ok icon -
document arrow icon -
Arrow, Document icon -
document arrow icon -
arrow, document icon -
arrow, document icon -
file, document, cancel, ascending, ascend, arrow, upload, no, stop, increase, close, rise, text, uplevel, red, up icon