file, text, editor, document icon download

- Format:
- png
- Width:
- 48px
- Height:
- 48px
- File size:
- 4.7KB
- Upload:
- Tags: text editor file document
- Belong to icon sets: Kearone's icon sets
This icon is a transparent background png icon, you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
- Download: png icon (4.7KB) 16x16 ico 32x32 ico
- Css sprites: Add to css sprites generator
Download common sizes of this icon
These icons also belongs to icon sets "Kearone's"
evolution icon -
message, email, mail, letter, envelop, mozilla icon -
audio, aiff, gnome, mime icon -
gnome, pdf icon -
browser, opera icon -
metacity, property icon -
video, voice, redhat, sound icon -
mime, arj, application, gnome icon -
text, makefile, mime, document, gnome, file icon -
audio, wav, gnome, mime icon -
sign out, log out, gnome, logout, quit, exit icon -
gnome, bonobo icon -
tiff, mime, picture, image, photo, pic, gnome icon -
config, configuration, preference, configure, gnome, server, option, setting icon -
gnome, mixer icon -
gnome, recent icon -
system, redhat, option, configuration, config, setting, preference, configure icon -
gftp icon -
searchtool, gnome icon -
gnome, mime, application, msword icon -
procman icon -
font, mime, linux, application, gnome, psf icon -
account, user, profile, human, people icon -
goat icon -
document, file, gnome, text, mime icon -
gnome, gimp icon -
chardev, gnome icon -
about, gnome icon -
configuration, preference, setting, configure, gnome, option, config, font icon - View All
Related icons of this icon
document, text, editor, file icon -
editor, text, document, file icon -
document, text, editor, file icon -
file, editor, document, text icon -
text, document, file, editor icon -
editor, text, file, document icon -
editor, text, file, document icon -
text, document, accessory, file, editor icon -
accessory, editor, file, text, document icon -
text, editor, file, accessory, document icon -
file, editor, accessory, document, text icon -
file, accessory, editor, document, text icon -
accessory, editor, document, text, file icon -
document, data, text, editor, file icon -
text, file, editor, paper, documents, page, document icon -
accessory, file, gnome, editor, text, document icon -
page, collection, editor, text, files, document, paper, documents icon -
paper, editor, sheet, file, document, page, text icon -
documents, document, files, paper, file, editor, doc, office, text, page icon -
file, plus, new, documents, add, document, text, editor, paper, page icon -
files, paper, plus, editor, data, document, add, page, file, text, doc icon -
documents, text, business, office, file, document, doc, data, format, files, editor, page, paper icon -
paper, text, document, data, page, file, add, doc, plus, editor icon -
text,editor,file icon -
text,editor,file icon -
text,editor,file icon -
text,editor,file icon -
text,editor,file icon -
paper doc, add, paper, file, new, page, plus, editor, document, text icon -
Clipboard, Document, Editor, Text icon -
document, text, clipboard, editor icon -
notebook, text, documents, document, note, editor icon -
notebook, document, stroke, editor, text icon -
notebook, text, new, add, editor, document icon -
new, documents, add, document, editor, notebook, plus, text icon -
stroke, note, document, memo, editor, pad, text icon -
files, editor, document, collection, file, group, documents, folder icon -
documents, group, folder, files, document, collection, editor, file icon -
document, documents, stroke, page, editor, files, paper icon -
album, file, documents, editor, collection, stroke, document icon -
editor, collection, document, files, folder, documents, open icon -
folder, collection, group, files, documents, editor, document icon -
paper, duplicate, files, file, page, editor, copy, documents, document icon -
editor, stroke, documents, files, group, document, file, folder, collection icon -
file, document, editor, add, folder, files, documents, stroke, plus icon