gear, setting, tools, settings icon download

- Format:
- svg
- Width:
- 128px
- Height:
- 128px
- File size:
- 3.08KB
- Upload:
- Tags: gear setting tools settings
- Belong to icon sets: line icon sets
This icon is a vector icon, you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
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- Css sprites: Add to css sprites generator
Download common sizes of this icon
These icons also belongs to icon sets "line"
home, real, house, estate icon -
marker, location, map, gps icon -
seen, eye, view, preview, see icon -
gear, setting, tools, settings icon -
heart, love, like, vote icon -
message, talk, bubble, chat, comment icon -
plus, cross, new, add, create icon -
envelope, mail, letter, email icon -
history, clock, event, alert, watch, schedule, time, alarm icon -
edit, pencil, editor, pen, write icon -
flag, warning, notice icon -
bell, ringing, notification, remind, schedule, ring, sound, reminder icon -
friend, profile, human, man, user, member, users, account, person icon -
save, down, download icon -
find, search, magnifier, magnifying, research, view, in, zoom icon -
tea, hot, coffee, cup, drink icon -
close, delete, remove icon -
right, arrow icon -
liquor, drink, wine, vine, glass icon -
tick, yes, check, accept, ok icon -
photos, image, camera, photography, photo, picture, pictures icon -
fuel, dashboard, meter, gauge, circle icon -
arrow, left icon -
sw, display, layout, stack, cascade icon -
upload, up icon -
printer, print, printing icon -
gallery, images, image, photos, portfolio, album, photo, pictures icon -
data, document, folder, documents, file icon -
compass, direction, navigation icon - View All
Related icons of this icon
setting, gear, tools, settings icon -
preferences, gear, tools, settings icon -
configuration, settings, gear, setting, tool, control icon -
gears, setting, configuration, adjustment, tool icon -
tool, tools, preferences, settings, system, gear icon -
tool, gear, settings, system, global, search, setting icon -
preferences, settings, tools, options, gear icon -
tools, system, setting, control, gear, preferences, settings icon -
machine part, settings, tools, configuration, gears, tool, cog, technology, options, preferences, setting, gear icon -
setting, tools, config, settings, system, preferences, tool, folder, gears, gear, options, configuration, service icon -
settings, preferences, tool, gear, working, options, tools icon -
preferences, settings, wheel, tools, tool, options, gear, system icon -
options, settings, gear, cogwheel, profile, tool icon -
tools, gear, options, wrench, preferences, settings icon -
options, config, tool, gears, system, application, preferences, desktop, tools, gear, settings, control icon -
gear, service, package, tools, settings, preferences, box icon -
settings, preferences, gears, options, tools, control, system icon -
configure, options, circle, tools, configuration, settings, system, preferences, setting, gear icon -
preferences, system, tool, configuration, options, setting, gear icon -
configuration, gear, options, tool, settings, wheel, service icon -
preferences, configuration, seo, settings, gear, options, tools icon -
gear, system, settings, tools, options, cog, configuration icon -
control, configuration, configure, preferences, settings, tools, stroke, circle, gear, setting, options icon -
software, options, settings, gear, hand drawn, gears, tools, hand-drawn, preferences, hardware, setting icon -
tools, control, system preferences, options, preferences, settings, gear icon -
cog, settings, gear, preferences icon -
Settings icon -
Settings icon -
Settings icon -
Settings icon -
Settings icon -
Settings icon -
gears, settings, options, mechanical, mechanic, gear, configure icon -
generator, machine, configuration, gear, preferences, applications, tools, system, reductor, mime, engineering, control, gears, contact, desktop, work, tool, settings, application icon -
preference, setting, configure, configuration, config, tool, utility, option, window, gear, kcmsambaconf icon -
control, desktop, de, machine, tool, settings, application, preferences, tools, work, contact, generator, engineering, system, reductor, configuration, applications, gear, mime, gears icon -
generator, configuration, settings, preferences, control, system, mime, engineering, machine, tool, applications, reductor, application, gears, gear, tools, work, contact, desktop icon -
preferences, generator, applications, reductor, gear, application, machine, configuration, tool, contact, settings, mime, desktop, gears, work, engineering, control, tools, system icon -
system, machine, tool, control, mime, contact, tools, gears, settings, configuration, generator, work, application, reductor, preferences, desktop, gear, applications, engineering icon -
screw, tool, wheel, configuration, configure, steel, settings, gear, cogwheel, gearwheel, pinion, machinery, tools, rackwheel, mechanics icon -
configuration, config, sys, equip, options, service, control, system, settings, production, desktop, tools, tool, gear, conf, equipment, job, repair, setting, work, wrench icon -
reductor, gears, contact, engineering, settings, tool, generator, machine, desktop, application, tools, applications, mime, configuration, work, preferences, control, system, pinion, gear icon -
application, work, gears, applications, machine, desktop, control, configuration, reductor, tools, tool, gear, settings, mime, pinion, system, preferences, generator, engineering, contact icon -
Stop Settings icon -
setting, preferences, service, repair, config, equip, htaccess, tool, conf, wrench, desktop, options, settings, sys, production, job, hammer, work, control, gear, tools, configuration, equipment, system icon -
hammer, service, wrench, preferences, htaccess, conf, system, production, sys, repair, options, work, desktop, setting, settings, tool, control, tools, job, config, equip, gear, equipment, configuration icon -
gear,settings icon -
settings, gears icon -
settings, gear icon -
gear,settings icon -
Gear, Settings icon -
settings, gear icon -
gear, settings icon -
Gear, Settings icon -
gear, settings icon -
tools, options, setting, configuration, settings, tool icon -
setting, gear icon -
tools, settings icon -
settings, tools, tool icon