GIS/GPS/MAP icon sets
This icon sets contains 23 free png icons, all of these icons are png format
This icon sets was uploaded in . you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
leftblack, flag icon -
map, layer icon -
flag, leftblack icon -
needlewhite, location, gps, needle icon -
tomtom, map, gpsdevice icon -
green, flag, rightgreen icon -
building, pharmacy, medical icon -
needle, thumbtack, location, needleleftyellow, push pin, gps icon -
building, architecture, stadium icon -
leftred, flag icon -
rightblue, flag icon -
rightgreen, flag icon -
satellite icon -
gasstation icon -
location, needle, gps, needleleftyellow icon -
containerred icon -
catholictemple icon -
blue, rightblue, flag icon -
bulbgrey, attach, location, pin icon -
bank icon -
airport, tourism, plane, aeroplane, travel, airplane icon -
carrepair icon -
clinic, hospital, building, health, emergency room, medical icon
Xmas Buddy
IWork 10