Gloss: Basic icon sets
This icon sets contains 336 free png icons, all of these icons are png format
This icon sets was uploaded in . you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
comment icon -
add, plus, message icon -
schedule, info, calendar, about, date, information icon -
error, exclamation, print, alert, warning, wrong, printer icon -
no, close, stop, cancel icon -
table icon -
delete, folder, del, remove icon -
flag, black icon -
plus, add, blue, tag icon -
remove, print, printer, del, delete icon -
list, listing icon -
information, about, open, info, folder icon -
calendar, date, schedule, plus, add icon -
table icon -
people, account, accept, person, male, human, profile, member, user, man icon -
people, profile, account, human, user, red icon -
printer, print icon -
date, delete, del, schedule, remove, calendar icon -
tex, center, align icon -
del, notebook, delete, remove icon -
hdd, hard disk, hard drive, plus, add icon -
del, remove, notebook, delete icon -
bookmark icon -
blue, bullet icon -
flag, green icon -
writing, tag, write, edit icon -
human, people, profile, add, plus, account, user icon -
add, plus, save icon -
add, history, plus icon -
remove, list, listing, del, delete icon -
flag, red icon -
file, write, paper, edit, document, writing icon -
people, member, person, write, human, profile, writing, male, edit, account, man, user icon -
write, edit, writing, save icon -
favorite icon -
plus, add, notebook icon -
del, delete, tag, remove, blue icon -
insert, hyperlink icon -
remove, blue, tag, del, delete icon -
rescue icon -
blue, del, delete, tag, remove icon -
plus, bookmark, add icon -
cell, format icon -
plus, history, add icon -
tag, plus, purple, add icon -
attach, black, pin icon -
trashcan, full icon -
remove, account, profile, human, del, member, user, delete, female, person, people, woman icon -
listing, list icon -
delete, printer, print, remove, del icon -
user, del, delete, woman, profile, person, human, member, account, female, remove, people icon -
remove, del, delete, printer, print icon -
account, user, profile, remove, human, person, female, people, delete, woman, member, del icon -
schedule, calendar, date icon -
favorite, remove, delete, del icon -
human, add, plus, account, member, profile, male, user, person, man, people icon -
exclamation, error, warning, notebook, wrong, alert icon -
female, plus, people, profile, user, human, woman, person, add, account, member icon -
remove, delete, schedule, del, date, calendar icon -
add, tag, purple, plus icon
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