gnome,format,text icon download

- Format:
- png
- Width:
- 64px
- Height:
- 64px
- File size:
- 3.67KB
- Upload:
- Tags: gnome format text
- Belong to icon sets: GNOME Desktop icon sets
This icon is a transparent background png icon, you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
- Download: png icon (3.67KB) 16x16 ico 32x32 ico 64x64 ico
- Css sprites: Add to css sprites generator
Download common sizes of this icon
These icons also belongs to icon sets "GNOME Desktop"
gnome,other,preference icon -
gnome,system,help icon -
gnome,media,playback icon -
gnome,colors,emblem icon -
gnome,mail,replied icon -
gnome,modem icon -
gnome,folder,open icon -
gnome,system,logout icon -
gnome,system,shutdown icon -
gnome,view,restore icon -
gnome,folder,visiting icon -
dictionary,accessory icon -
gnome,format,text icon -
gnome,security,medium icon -
gnome,face,raspberry icon -
gnome,edit,copy icon -
gnome,emblem,symbolic icon -
gnome,emblem,mail icon -
gnome,office,drawing icon -
gnome,network,offline icon -
gnome,format,justify icon -
gnome,object,flip icon -
gnome,media,floppy icon -
gnome,edit,delete icon -
gnome,package,generic icon -
gnome,dialog,information icon -
gnome,media,skip icon -
gnome,emblem,unreadable icon -
gnome,system,software icon - View All
Related icons of this icon
gnome,format,text icon -
gnome,format,text icon -
gnome,format,text icon -
gnome,format,text icon -
gnome,format,text icon -
Bold, Format, Gnome, Text icon -
Format, Gnome, Italic, Text icon -
Format, Gnome, Strikethrough, Text icon -
Format, Gnome, Text, Underline icon -
Format, Gnome, Text, Underline icon -
Format, Gnome, Strikethrough, Text icon -
Bold, Format, Gnome, Text icon -
Format, Gnome, Italic, Text icon -
format, gnome, text, italic icon -
text, format, strikethrough, gnome icon -
gnome, text, bold, format icon -
text, underline, gnome, format icon -
text, strikethrough, format, gnome, 64 icon -
text, 64, italic, gnome, format icon -
gnome, format, 48, bold, text icon -
underline, gnome, 48, text, format icon -
64, gnome, bold, format, text icon -
text, 64, underline, gnome, format icon -
format, gnome, italic, 48, text icon -
strikethrough, text, format, gnome, 48 icon -
Direction, Format, Gnome, Ltr, Text icon -
Direction, Format, Gnome, Rtl, Text icon -
Direction, Format, Gnome, Rtl, Text icon -
Direction, Format, Gnome, Ltr, Text icon -
direction, format, ltr, text, gnome icon -
format, rtl, gnome, direction, text icon -
ltr, direction, 64, text, gnome, format icon -
64, text, format, gnome, rtl, direction icon -
format, ltr, text, 48, gnome, direction icon -
gnome, text, 48, format, direction, rtl icon -
file, document, format, bold, gnome, text icon -
italic, text, gnome, document, format, file icon -
format, document, file, text, gnome, strikethrough icon -
text, document, file, format, gnome, underline icon -
file, direction, gnome, ltr, document, text, format icon -
document, gnome, text, rtl, format, file, direction icon -
Format, Strikethrough, Text icon -
Format, Italic, Text icon -
Format, Text, Underline icon -
Bold, Format, Text icon -
format, underline, text icon -
bold, format, text icon -
italic, format, text icon -
format, strikethrough, text icon -
Bold, Format, Text icon -
Format, Strikethrough, Text icon -
bold, text, format icon -
format, underline, text icon -
italic, format, text icon -
format, strikethrough, text icon -
Direction, Format, Ltr, Text icon -
Direction, Format, Rtl, Text icon -
text, format, ltr, direction icon -
format, rtl, text, direction icon