Hawcons Gesture Stroke icon sets
This icon sets contains 50 free vector icons, all of these icons are svg format
This icon sets was uploaded in . you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
one, finger, gesture, hand icon -
gesture, finger, hand, one, click icon -
hand, five, high, gesture icon -
one, hand, finger, gesture, tap icon -
gesture, tap, hand, double, one, finger icon -
gesture, hand, rock, roll icon -
up, gesture, thumb, hand icon -
thumb, gesture, up, hand icon -
left, hand, gesture, swipe, finger, one icon -
gesture, finger, swipe, right, hand, one icon -
thumb, gesture, hand, down icon -
gesture, click, finger, one icon -
gesture, thumb, hand, down icon -
hand, finger, gesture, middle icon -
two, hand, gesture, fingers icon -
thumb, tap, gesture, finger, hand icon -
hand, fingers, three icon -
out, gesture, fingers, hand, resize, two icon -
hand, rotate, fingers, two, gesture icon -
double, gesture, tap, one, finger icon -
hand, resize, two, in, gesture, fingers icon -
tap, hold, one, gesture, finger icon -
gesture, finger, one, tap, hand icon -
fingers, tap, double, gesture, two, hand icon -
fingers, tap, two, gesture, hand icon -
fingers, three, double, gesture, tap, hand icon -
left, fingers, swipe, hand, gesture, two icon -
hold, hand, gesture, tap, one, finger icon -
three, swipe, fingers, down, hand icon -
hand, fingers, three, gesture, tap icon -
finger, hand, swipe, one, gesture icon -
three, double, hand, tap, fingers icon -
hand, two, gesture, tap, fingers icon -
fingers, swipe, two, gesture, left icon -
swipe, gesture, down, fingers, two icon -
gesture, swipe, up, fingers, two icon -
right, swipe, fingers, gesture, two icon -
finger, hand, one, gesture, swipe, up icon -
gesture, one, finger, hand, swipe, horizontally icon -
three, fingers, swipe, right, gesture, hand icon -
swipe, gesture, fingers, left, three, hand icon -
down, fingers, two, swipe, hand, gesture icon -
hand, up, three, gesture, swipe, fingers icon -
hand, gesture, finger, up, swipe, one icon -
two, right, swipe, gesture, hand, fingers icon -
one, swipe, gesture, hand, finger, down icon -
finger, swipe, hand, gesture, left, one icon -
gesture, swipe, finger, one, hand, down icon -
up, swipe, gesture, fingers, two, hand icon -
swipe, hand, one, gesture, right, finger icon
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