heart, love, valentine, emblem, favorite icon download
![heart, love, valentine, emblem, favorite icon](https://www.iconninja.com/files/794/996/877/heart-love-valentine-emblem-favorite-icon.png)
- Format:
- png
- Width:
- 128px
- Height:
- 128px
- File size:
- 18KB
- Upload:
- Tags: emblem favorite heart love valentine
- Belong to icon sets: Human-O2 icon sets
This icon is a transparent background png icon, you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
- Download: png icon (18KB) 16x16 ico 32x32 ico 64x64 ico 128x128 ico
- Css sprites: Add to css sprites generator
Download common sizes of this icon
These icons also belongs to icon sets "Human-O2"
pingus icon -
storm, climate, weather icon -
document, file, xmcd, text icon -
account, add, user, human, people, plus, profile, archive, folder icon -
aptana icon -
application, archive icon -
warning, alert, error, wrong, exclamation, dialog icon -
zoom, out, old icon -
epiphany icon -
application, java icon -
application, xml, sun, calculator, calc, calculation icon -
stock, user, people, profile, human, account icon -
breach, low, security icon -
prev, justify, arrow, backward, previous, format, back, left icon -
gnutella icon -
gphoto icon -
applet, frequency, processor, gnome, cpu icon -
min, gnome icon -
desktop, account, people, orange, wallpaper, human, profile, user icon -
openofficeorg, math, old, mathematics icon -
galternatives icon -
document, text, file, xml icon -
bluetooth icon -
zn icon -
thunar icon -
text, file, generic, document icon -
weather, climate, overcast icon -
wallpaper, manilla, profile, account, human, user, people, desktop icon - View All
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heart, valentine, favorite, love, bookmark icon -
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Day, Favorites, Heart, Love, Valentines icon -
love, valentine, favorite, like, heart icon -
valentine, like, heart, favorite, love icon -
bookmark, heart, favorite, valentine, love icon -
love, heart, valentine, favorite, bookmark icon -
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favorite, valentine's day, bookmark, love, heart icon -
fav, favorite, bookmark, heart, valentine, love icon -
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valentine, heart, rate, love, favorite, vote, like icon -
romantic, valentine, bookmark, favorites, heart, favourite, love icon -
star, love, save, heart, favorite, valentine, like icon -
love, heart, romantic, like, favourite, valentine, favorite icon -
plus, heart, favorite, valentine, add, love, bookmark icon -
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best, heart, bookmark, valentines, like, favorite, love icon -
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