magnifying, search, magnifier, zoom, explore, research, find icon download

- Format:
- svg
- Width:
- 128px
- Height:
- 128px
- File size:
- 4.01KB
- Upload:
- Tags: magnifying search magnifier zoom explore research find
- Belong to icon sets: ikooni outline: Basic icon sets
This icon is a vector icon, you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
- Download: png icon (4.01KB) svg icon(1.84KB) 16x16 ico 32x32 ico 64x64 ico 128x128 ico
- Css sprites: Add to css sprites generator
Download common sizes of this icon
These icons also belongs to icon sets "ikooni outline: Basic"
recycling, trash, bin, garbage, junk, remove, delete icon -
travel, air, airplane, earth, plane, planet, transport icon -
configuration, gear, options, tool, settings, wheel, service icon -
stop, circle, close, exit, remove, cancel, delete icon -
add, duplicate, plus, edit, new, circle icon -
worker, team, employee, man, customer support, user, account icon -
yes, done, tick, check, success, complete, checkmark icon -
event, plan, schedule, calendar, planning, month, timetable icon -
refresh, syncronize, arrow, reload, renew, sync, circle icon -
window, app, browser, internet, application, page, web icon -
lamp, bulb, idea, light, business idea, media, creative icon -
write, compose, article, document, empty, page, text icon -
magnifying, search, magnifier, zoom, explore, research, find icon -
help, message bubble, information, info, question, about, support icon -
landing, home page, home, property, building, main page, house icon -
photos, photo, picture, camera, image, photography, digital icon -
copier, device, document, print, office, printing, printer icon -
basket, shop, ecommerce, cart, shopping bag, shopping, online shopping icon -
inbox, message, email, subscribe, letter, envelope, spam icon -
library, project, archieve, files, history, documentation, folder icon -
title, desctiption, price tag, ecommerce, tag, label, sale icon -
pointer, location, marker, map, navigation, pin, direction icon -
paper, sheet, page, file, document, file type, resume icon -
display, desktop, monitor, computer, pc, device, mac icon -
seo, facebook, marketing, seo package, monitor, service plan, sharing icon -
attention, error, warning, danger, caution, alert, exclamation icon -
exclamation mark, danger, alert, caution, attention, error, warning icon -
cash, dollar, ecommerce, currency, money, price, payment icon -
internet, network, world, communication, social, earth, connection icon - View All
Related icons of this icon
explore, science, research, magnifying glass, search, magnifying, view, find, magnifier, zoom icon -
explore, search, magnifier, zoom, eye, glass, view, research, find, magnifying, magnifying glass, loop icon -
glass, explore, magnifier, reading, magnifying glass, search, loupe, research, bit, find, zoom icon -
find, search, magnifier, magnifying, research, view, in, zoom icon -
research, view, explore, science, magnifying, search, magnifying glass, locate, zoom icon -
find, magnifier, explore, magnify, search, view, zoom icon -
search, glass, explore, magnifying, find, zoom, explorer icon -
magnifier, explore, zoom, view, search, find icon -
magnifying, view, explorer, zoom, explore, search, magnifier, look, glass, find icon -
find, zoom, magnifying glass, explore, view, look, glass, explorer, magnifier, search, magnifying icon -
view, explore, glass, find, explorer, look, zoom, magnifying glass, magnifying, magnifier, search icon -
look, magnifier, magnifying, magnifying glass, find, search, explorer, zoom, glass, view, explore icon -
locate, magnifying, magnifying glass, find, explore, search, glass, zoom icon -
loop, look, keyword, zoom, keywords searching, information, browse, view, search, locate, estimate, magnify, find, explorer, explore, research, optimisation, info icon -
explore, find, search, zoom, seo, glass, magnifier icon -
look, find, view, explore, search, zoom, magnifier icon -
magnifier, seo, zoom, find, explore, view, search icon -
find, search, zoom, magnifier, look, view, explore icon -
explore, zoom, find, view, magnifier, search, browser icon -
glass, view, search, look, glossy, explore, zoom, magnifying, find, magnifier, magnifying glass, explorer icon