microphone, sound, audio, mic icon download

- Format:
- svg
- Width:
- 72px
- Height:
- 128px
- File size:
- 1.22KB
- Upload:
- Tags: microphone sound audio mic
- Belong to icon sets: Miscellany Web icon sets
This icon is a vector icon, you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
- Download: png icon (1.22KB) svg icon(914B) 16x16 ico 32x32 ico 64x64 ico 128x128 ico
- Css sprites: Add to css sprites generator
Download common sizes of this icon
These icons also belongs to icon sets "Miscellany Web"
envelope, email, letter, message, mail icon -
finger, hand, pointer, cursor icon -
cell, phone, telephone, communication icon -
internet, wireless, wifi, connection icon -
network, teamwork, communication, people, man icon -
location, marker, pin, navigation, pointer icon -
rating, favorite, star icon -
global, globe, world, earth icon -
vision, look, view, eye, see icon -
shield, antivirus, security icon -
headset, headphone, microphone, headphones icon -
lightbulb, bulb, electricity, light, idea icon -
calendar, schedule, month icon -
audio, speaker, sound, volume icon -
connection, communication, chain, connect icon -
approve, list, good, check icon -
protect, protection, security, padlock icon -
mail, download, inbox, email, message icon -
pointer, pin, cursor, navigation, computer icon -
book, books, library icon -
file, paper, document, page icon -
cancel, cross, error, delete icon -
man, human, circle, arrow, people, male icon -
man, plus, people icon -
math, mathematics, calculation, calculator, calculate icon -
settings, configuration, cogwheel, preferences icon -
analytics, arrow, graph, chart, finance, business, up icon -
shopping, buy, cart, shop, business icon -
search, magnifyingglass, find, glass, magnifying icon - View All
Related icons of this icon
audio, microphone, recording, talk, voice, mic, sing, sound icon -
audio, microphone, mic icon -
audio, microphone, mic icon -
audio, mic, input, microphone icon -
input, mic, audio, microphone icon -
mic, audio, microphone, input icon -
input, mic, microphone, audio icon -
input, gnome, audio, mic, microphone icon -
mic, microphone, sound, sing, singer, voice icon -
microphone, music, sound, mic, entertainment, multimedia icon -
speech, recording, audio, voice, microphone, mic icon -
announcement, audio, podcast, microphone, studio, mic icon -
announcement, mic, radio, audio, studio, microphone, loud icon -
studio, audio, microphone, loud, radio, announcement, mic icon -
voice, scribble, recording, audio, record, microphone, mic icon