Office icon sets
This icon sets contains 30 free png icons, all of these icons are png format
This icon sets was uploaded in . you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
comment, green, plus, add icon -
writing, edit, write icon -
alarm clock, clock, time, history, alarm icon -
rise, upload, up, ascend, increase, ascending icon -
save, disk, disc icon -
exit, logout, quit, delete, log out, remove, del, sign out icon -
mathematics, calculator, calc, math, calculation icon -
hard drive, hard disk, contact, hdd icon -
previous, prev, left, blue, backward, arrow, back icon -
descending, down, fall, descend, download, decrease icon -
monitor, display, screen, computer icon -
export icon -
talk chat, chat, talk, speak, comment icon -
denied, close, cancel, stop, no icon -
stop, close, no, cancel icon -
schedule, date, calendar icon -
event icon -
file, paper, document icon -
application, edit icon -
telephone, call, phone, tel, contact, red icon -
back, blue, arrow, backward, right, ok, prev, forward, previous, left, correct, next, yes icon -
arrow, file, document, import, paper, move icon -
preference, configure, tool, config, utility, option, configuration, setting icon -
graph, chart, pie icon -
buy, shopping cart, shopping, ecommerce, cart, commerce icon -
wrong, error, warning, exclamation, alert icon -
cut, scissors icon -
duplicate, copy icon -
about, information, info icon -
plus, add icon