Onebit I icon sets
This icon sets contains 50 free png icons, all of these icons are png format
This icon sets was uploaded in . you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
warning, remove, alert, exit, log out, quit, delete, logout, exclamation, wrong, del, sign out, error icon -
white, favourite, star, bookmark icon -
green, wrong, error, alert, information, info, warning, about, message, exclamation icon -
bookmark, star, half, favourite icon -
green, flag icon -
minus, subtract, red, del, delete, remove icon -
white, flag icon -
brown, flag icon -
alert, error, wrong, info, exclamation, about, information, warning icon -
close, logout, exclamation, del, incorrect, delete, false, quit, no, log out, stop, remove, warning, cancel, wrong, sign out, exit, error, alert icon -
envelope, envelop, message, letter, email, mail icon -
music, nod, sound, voice icon -
back, backward, left, arrow, previous, prev icon -
arrow, green icon -
building, home, home page, homepage, house icon -
guard, protect, antivirus, security, shield icon -
feed, rss, subscribe icon -
zoom, find, seek, search icon -
flag icon -
idea, light, bulb, hint, energy, tip icon -
love, heart, valentine, favorite, bookmark icon -
mail, envelop, message, email, letter, envelope icon -
forward, ok, correct, yes, right, arrow, next icon -
listing, file, paper, document, form, list icon -
protection, antivirus, guard, shield, security, protect icon -
lock, locked, unlock, security icon -
lock, security, safe, blue, locked, secure icon -
security, locked, lock, key, password icon -
ascend, rise, arrow, green, increase, upload, ascending, up icon -
add, green, plus icon -
profile, male, human, user, person, member, people, account, man icon -
draw, edit, write, writing, paint, pencil, pen icon -
arrow, forward, ok, right, correct, check, yes, tick, checkmark, true, checked, next, active, check on icon -
alert, notice, information, warning, exclamation, info, error, wrong, message, about icon -
faq, question mark icon -
open close, folder icon -
red, flag icon -
save, disk, disc, black icon -
insect, bug, animal icon -
database, db icon -
clock, alarm, time, history, alarm clock icon
Web Development Icon #4