out, shut down, shutdown, power off, turn off, log, system icon download

- Format:
- png
- Width:
- 64px
- Height:
- 64px
- File size:
- 3.91KB
- Upload:
- Tags: system log out power off shut down shutdown turn off
- Belong to icon sets: Minimal Perception icon sets
This icon is a transparent background png icon, you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
- Download: png icon (3.91KB) 16x16 ico 32x32 ico 64x64 ico
- Css sprites: Add to css sprites generator
Download common sizes of this icon
These icons also belongs to icon sets "Minimal Perception"
paper, save, file, save as, as, document icon -
session, suspend, gnome icon -
tar, folder icon -
gnome, halt, session icon -
deb icon -
emblem, noread icon -
new, document, file, paper icon -
new, tab, stock icon -
gaming, application, game icon -
desktop, emblem icon -
gnome, center, control icon -
disk, cd, pic, save, photo, application, image, picture, disc icon -
session, gnome, switch icon -
cdrom, unmount icon -
computer, monitor, screen, display icon -
audio, muted, volume icon -
audio, sound, low, volume, speaker, voice icon -
connect, cancel, stop, no, close, connect no icon -
application, killustrator, mime, gnome icon -
ascii icon -
inkscape icon -
mime, paper, open document, gnome, file, oasis, text, web, application, document icon -
internet, application icon -
application, development, develop icon -
gnome, shockwave, mime, application, flash icon -
regular, gnome icon -
desktop icon -
wrong, dialog, error, exclamation, alert, warning icon -
chardevice icon - View All
Related icons of this icon
system, shut down, out, turn off, shutdown, log, power off icon -
sign out, turn off, shutdown, log out, exit, logout, quit, power off, shut down, power, off icon -
quit, logout, power off, exit, sign out, power, turn off, log out, shut down, shutdown icon -
system, power off, turn off, shutdown, shut down icon -
system, power off, turn off, shutdown, shut down icon -
turn off, power off, shutdown, shut down icon -
power off, turn off, shutdown, shut down icon -
power off, shut down, shutdown, turn off icon -
shutdown, turn off, power off, shut down icon -
shut down, power off, turn off, shutdown icon -
turn off, shutdown, shut down, power off icon -
power off, shutdown, shut down, turn off icon -
power off, shutdown, turn off, shut down icon -
shutdown, power off, turn off, shut down icon -
gnome, power off, turn off, shutdown, shut down icon -
turn off, power off, shutdown, dis, shut down icon -
shutdown, turn off, power off, item, shut down icon -
yellow, turn off, shut down, power, power off, shutdown icon -
shut down, gnome, turn off, shutdown, power off icon -
black, shutdown, power off, shut down, turn off icon -
turn off, bubble, shut down, power off, shutdown icon -
shut down, shutdown, power off, gnome, turn off icon -
shut down, power off, red, turn off, shutdown, box icon -
turn off, power off, shut down, bright, ball, shutdown icon -
turn off, ball, shutdown, cute, shut down, power off icon