paper, airplane, document, file, plane icon download

- Format:
- png
- Width:
- 128px
- Height:
- 128px
- File size:
- 7.38KB
- Upload:
- Tags: paper plane file document airplane
- Belong to icon sets: ColoBrush icon sets
This icon is a transparent background png icon, you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
- Download: png icon (7.38KB) 16x16 ico 32x32 ico 64x64 ico 128x128 ico
- Css sprites: Add to css sprites generator
Download common sizes of this icon
These icons also belongs to icon sets "ColoBrush"
duck icon -
cobalt, corbeille icon -
green, dossier, papier icon -
browser, firefox icon -
apple icon -
orge, sucre icon -
heart, valentine, love icon -
bridgecs icon -
clonecd icon -
woman, female, member, people, user, profile, human, account, person icon -
add, database, db, plus icon -
blocnote icon -
blue, disc, save, drive, disk icon -
acroread icon -
santa, hat icon -
pidgin icon -
papier, dossier, blue icon -
brush icon -
cadenas icon -
normal, green, dossier icon -
favourite, star, bookmark icon -
godduck icon -
inkscape icon -
blender icon -
itunes icon -
loupe icon -
world map icon -
envelop, email, letter, message, envelope, mail icon -
candybar, e icon - View All
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paper, document, airplane, subtract, plane, file, minus icon -
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paper plane, flight, plane, send, airplane, aero, paperplane icon