paper, document, page, sheet, file, files icon download

- Format:
- svg
- Width:
- 128px
- Height:
- 128px
- File size:
- 559B
- Upload:
- Tags: paper document page sheet file files
- Belong to icon sets: Linecon icon sets
This icon is a vector icon, you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
- Download: png icon (559B) svg icon(572B) 16x16 ico 32x32 ico 64x64 ico 128x128 ico
- Css sprites: Add to css sprites generator
Download common sizes of this icon
These icons also belongs to icon sets "Linecon"
new, add, create, plus icon -
avatar, user, client, person, picture, profile, photo icon -
mail, envelope, letter, message, communication, sms, email icon -
bin, out, delete, empty, remove, trash, recycle icon -
winter, weather, cloud, cloudy icon -
info, information, data icon -
picture, photography, pictures, camera, image, photo, photos icon -
remove, cancel, wrong, delete, cross, close, stop icon -
success, ok, done, tick, valid, right, yes icon -
paper, document, page, sheet, file, files icon -
documents, file, folder, data, document, archive icon -
planet, global, network, world, earth, globe, internet icon -
clock, alert, time, alarm, event, schedule, history icon -
email, mail, send, chat, letter, communication, message icon -
find, magnifier, explore, magnify, search, view, zoom icon -
zoom, magnifying, search, in icon -
down, download, direction, move, arrow icon -
pen, paper, write, note, pencil, edit, text icon -
direction, back, undo, backward, left, previous icon -
cut, copy, files, sheet, documents icon -
close, delete, remove, empty, minus, subtract, less icon -
win, favorite, star, bookmark, like, special, favourite icon -
view, eye, look, unhide, visible, see, find icon -
falgged, winner, flag, win, report icon -
direction, up, upload, arrow icon -
zoom, maginifying, search, out icon -
attention, alert, timer, alarm, time, stopwatch, clock icon - View All
Related icons of this icon
paper, sheet, file, page, text, document icon -
document, sheet, files, documents, page, format, paper icon -
paper, sheet, page, file, document, file type, resume icon -
sheet, page, paper, office, file, document, paragraph icon -
file, document, page, print, sheet, printer, paper icon -
sheet, document, paper, file, page, text, edit icon -
page, document, file, data, paper, sheet, text icon -
page, text, file, document, sheet, cut, paper icon -
paper, editor, sheet, file, document, page, text icon -
files, sheet, page, paper, data, text, document icon -
office, document, paper, paragraph, file, sheet, page icon -
sheet, paper, document, documents, text, new, page, file icon -
newspaper, sheet, documents, page, document, paper, certificate, text, file, periodical, news, files icon -
document, invoice, paper, read, page, print, file, sheet, text icon -
sheet, new, paper, create, file, files, page icon -
page, files, text, documents, file, sheet icon -
file, sheet, page, document icon -
documents, papers, sheets, files icon -
papers, documents, paper, files, sheets icon -
Document, File, Paper, Sheet icon -
paper, document, file, sheet icon -
documents, sheets, papers, filetypes, files icon -
files, papers, documents, sheets, filetypes icon -
sheet, document, file, filetype, paper icon -
file, sheet, filetype, paper, document icon -
filetype, document, paper, sheet, file icon -
document, sheet, filetype, file, paper icon -
filetypes, papers, documents, sheets, files icon -
paper, file, filetype, sheet, document icon -
paper, file, document, filetype, sheet icon -
sheet, document, paper, filetype, file icon -
file, document, sheet, paper, filetype icon -
plus, blanc, documents, file, page, sheet icon -
page, text, file, blanc, documents, sheet icon -
files, sheet, note, paper, text, page, print icon -
upload, files, paper, file, sheet, up, document icon -
paper, filetype, document, list, sheet, file icon -
list, filetype, document, paper, file, sheet icon -
data, document, copy, files, paper, documents, sheet icon -
sheet, document, filetype, paper, system file, cog, file icon -
sheet, text, file, page, files, minus icon -
sheet, erase, destroy, paper, document, filetype, file icon -
destroy, document, file, filetype, erase, paper, sheet icon -
files, file, sheet, star, blanc, paper icon -
article, document, file, sheet, paper, blog post, filetype icon -
article, document, file, sheet, blog post, paper, filetype icon -
files, archive, article, data, paper, file, document, newspaper, sheet, office icon -
document, page, files, file, paper icon -
file, page, document, paper icon -
Document, File, Page, Paper icon -
paper, document, page, file icon -
paper, page, file, document icon -
paper, page, document, file icon -
Document, File, Page, Paper icon -
file, paper, document, page icon -
page, paper, file, document icon -
page, file, document, paper icon -
text, page, document, paper, clip, sheet icon -
new, document, file, paper, page icon