save, delete, disk, cd, disc, remove, del icon download

- Format:
- png
- Width:
- 32px
- Height:
- 32px
- File size:
- 4.55KB
- Upload:
- Tags: cd delete disc del remove disk save
- Belong to icon sets: Pixelicious icon sets
This icon is a transparent background png icon, you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
- Download: png icon (4.55KB) 16x16 ico 32x32 ico
- Css sprites: Add to css sprites generator
Download common sizes of this icon
These icons also belongs to icon sets "Pixelicious"
read, notice, book, reading icon -
read, del, book, delete, remove, reading icon -
money, coin, cash, currency icon -
alt, user, people, account, human, profile icon -
human, profile, account, people, zoom, user icon -
paper, down, document, descending, descend, alt, fall, decrease, download, file icon -
world, globe, planet, earth icon -
upload, pack, package, ascend, rise, ascending, package up, up, increase icon -
pause icon -
right, ok, arrow, yes, next, film, movie, correct, forward, video icon -
cd, down, fall, save, download, disc, disk, descending, descend, decrease icon -
video, movie, film, plus, add icon -
plus, add icon -
increase, up, up alt, upload, rise, ascend, alt, ascending icon -
message, mail, letter, envelop, email icon -
folder icon -
save icon -
writing, video, edit, film, movie, write icon -
film, remove, movie, delete, video, del icon -
coffee, food icon -
empty, picture, blank, photo, pic, image icon -
about, information, folder, info icon -
descend, music, decrease, down, download, descending, fall icon -
pic, rise, photo, ascend, ascending, increase, picture up, upload, picture, image, up icon -
dock icon -
remove, account, people, profile, del, delete, human, user icon -
success icon -
write, writing, edit icon -
reload, refresh, gear icon - View All
Related icons of this icon
delete, cd, remove, save, disc, disk, del icon -
delete, disc, disk, cd, remove, del, save icon -
del, disc, delete, save, remove, disk, cd icon -
disc, disk, cd, save, del, remove, delete icon -
delete, cdmin, disc, cd, save, dvd, minus, disk, subtract, remove, del icon -
info, information, del, delete, about, disc, save, disk, remove, application, cd icon -
delete, remove, save, del, disk, disc icon -
delete, disc, space, remove, del, save, disk icon -
ascending, up, arrow, upload, increase, save, delete, remove, del, disc, ascend, disk, rise icon