stroked, circle icon download

- Format:
- png
- Width:
- 24px
- Height:
- 24px
- File size:
- 472B
- Upload:
- Tags: circle stroked
- Belong to icon sets: Maki icon sets
This icon is a transparent background png icon, you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
- Download: png icon (472B) 16x16 ico
- Css sprites: Add to css sprites generator
Download common sizes of this icon
These icons also belongs to icon sets "Maki"
station, fire icon -
square, stroked icon -
zoo icon -
jewish, religious icon -
religious, muslim icon -
theatre icon -
post icon -
theatre icon -
college icon -
pharmacy icon -
park icon -
shop icon -
heart icon -
golf icon -
heliport icon -
fuel icon -
circle icon -
triangle icon -
christian, religious icon -
bicycle icon -
basket, waste icon -
car icon -
water icon -
bar icon -
food, fast icon -
stroked, triangle icon -
muslim, religious icon -
rail, light icon -
parking icon - View All
Related icons of this icon
circle, stroked icon -
shape, circle, gestureworks, stroke icon -
circle, details, stroke, more, detail icon -
drop, arrow circle, circle, arrow, stroke arrow, down icon -
stroke, circle, new, plus, add, sign icon -
circle, trash, delete, close, remove, stroke icon -
stroke, backup, arrows, circle, sync, arrow icon -
dashboard, gauge, meter, stroke, fuel, circle icon -
communication, social, stroke, media, twitter, circle icon -
stroke, media, work, circle, linkedin, social icon -
backup, circle, arrow, sync, arrows, stroke icon -
stroke, social, communication, quora, media, circle icon -
communication, stroke, social, media, pinterest, circle icon -
information, info, help, more, stroke, circle, detail icon -
circle, left, stroke, arrow, direction, back, navigation icon -
pencil, stroke, draw, circle, edit, write, pen icon -
direction, arrow, download, circle, stroke, navigation, down icon -
up, navigation, stroke, direction, upload, circle, arrow icon -
communication, circle, plus, stroke, social, media, google icon -
circle, email, stroke, mail, send, message, envelope icon -
circle, arrow left, stroke arrow, arrow, left icon -
circle, arrow, disclosure, right, next, direction, stroke, navigation icon -
circle, timer, stroke, clock, time, history, recent, schedule icon -
arrow, previous, left, stroke, circle, back, direction, navigation icon -
next, arrow, circle, stroke, forward, direction, navigation, right icon -
circle, cancel, minus, trash, delete, remove, plus, stroke icon -
web, browser, compass, internet, archive, safari, stroke, circle icon -
triangle, design, creative, circle, shape, tool, graphic, stroke, editor icon -
web, browser, connection, globe, communication, earth, world, global, stroke, internet, circle icon -
control, configuration, configure, preferences, settings, tools, stroke, circle, gear, setting, options icon