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702823 free 00 icons
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blue, alert, square icon -
opened, blue, folder icon -
grey, barchart icon -
new icon -
red, bullet icon -
alert, grey, triangle icon -
tag, red icon -
star, gold icon -
box, product, closed, grey icon -
arrow, grey, left icon -
minus, red icon -
barchart, blue icon -
bullet, grey icon -
popular, flag, red icon -
closed, brown, box icon -
opened, box, grey icon -
grey, user icon -
up, arrow, grey icon -
right, arrow, blue icon -
dollar, currency icon -
minus, grey icon -
blue, left, arrow icon -
grey, share icon -
grey, white, right, arrow icon -
hot, blue, flag icon -
popular, blue, flag icon -
flag, grey, hot icon -
cart, empty icon -
user, blue icon -
box, blue, closed icon -
barchart, red icon -
barcode icon -
newspapers, grey icon -
grey, search icon -
blue, minus icon -
grey, calendar icon -
document, text, file icon -
grey, hot icon -
blue, ko icon -
red, calendar icon -
red, log, out icon -
comment, blue icon -
multicolor, barchart icon -
grey, star icon -
currency, euro icon -
blue, tag icon -
flag, new, grey icon -
money icon -
miniarrow, left, grey icon -
tweet, blue icon -
grey, closed, folder icon -
openshare, blue icon -
cart, to icon -
blue, box, opened icon -
grey, miniarrow, right icon -
red, user icon -
pound, currency icon -
grey, flag, popular icon -
up, grey, miniarrow icon -
yen, currency icon