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2941 free action 3 icons
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tux, penguin, animal, organizer icon -
money, coin, cash, currency icon -
del, view, remove, delete icon -
user, forum, discussion, communication icon -
begin, end, start, player icon -
stop, cancel, no, player icon -
disk, all, disc, save icon -
tab, plus, add, new icon -
info, about, information, messagebox icon -
view list compact symbolic icon -
view list images symbolic icon -
format justify center symbolic icon -
media skip backward symbolic icon -
media skip forward symbolic icon -
format indent more symbolic icon -
format justify fill symbolic icon -
mail reply sender symbolic icon -
media playback start symbolic icon -
format indent less symbolic icon -
image red eye symbolic icon -
format justify left symbolic icon -
edit clear rtl symbolic icon -
view list video symbolic icon -
format text larger symbolic icon -
media seek backward symbolic icon -
media playback pause symbolic icon -
format text smaller symbolic icon -
media seek forward symbolic icon -
format justify right symbolic icon -
Add, Agt, Autorun, To icon -
Add, Agt, Desktop, To icon -
more, options, circle, dots icon -
more, dots, waiting, options icon -
Itunes2aqua icon -
star, five point, favorite, gold icon -
left, backward, previous, prev, back icon -
view, window, plant, tree, folder icon -
homepage, home, house, building, gohome icon -
plus, write, edit, add, writing icon -
format indent less rtl symbolic icon -
format indent more rtl symbolic icon -
remove, minimize, delete, sign, minus icon -
plus, create, new, sign, add icon -
close, remove, minimize, circle, minus icon -
floppy disk, disk, drive, storage, save icon -
gold, circle, five point, favorite, star icon -
wrong, error, messagebox, warning, alert, exclamation icon -
envelop, letter, replyall, email, mail, message icon -
back, arrow, backward, left, previous, prev icon -
account, human, people, user, groupevent, profile icon -
previous, arrow, prev, backward, back, left icon -
envelop, message, email, get, mail, letter icon -
letter, message, email, envelop, mail, new icon -
open, lock, decrypted, security, locked, password icon -
letter, mail, message, email, replay, envelop icon -
alert, error, wrong, warning, kmixdocked, exclamation icon -
decrease, descending, fall, down, descend, download icon -
writing, edit, remove, del, delete, write icon -
envelop, send, email, message, letter, mail icon -
view, file, document, listing, list, text icon