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1161 free copland icons
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min, building, home, house, ged, and icon -
screen, apple, display, computer, monitor, studio icon -
automobile, transportation, vehicle, truck, transport, postal icon -
alarm, time, history, clock, alarm clock icon -
truck, ups, transportation, transport, automobile, vehicle icon -
envelop, message, mail, box, letter, email icon -
automobile, truck, transport, vehicle, fedex, transportation icon -
phone, telephone, tel, sony, cell, zuma icon -
letter, envelop, email, message, mail, woc icon -
ruby, empty, recycle bin, blank, trash icon -
os, cd, save, disc, woc, disk icon -
photo, picture, image, woc, folder, pic icon -
photo, picture, pic, folder, woc, image icon -
display, apple, studio, screen, computer, monitor icon -
picture, document, paper, photo, pic, image, file icon -
cash, sign up, currency, coin, register, money icon -
register, coin, cash, sign up, currency, money icon -
edit, paint, write, pencil, holder, pen, writing, draw icon -
male, human, member, person, profile, user, people, account, man icon -
profile, user, woman, account, person, people, female, human, member icon -
car, vehicle, transportation, school, transport, bus, automobile, learn, education, teaching, teach icon