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1712 free cross up icons
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02 miscellaneous Organisations red cross societies icon -
02 miscellaneous Organisations red cross societies icon -
Key design with heart and cross icon -
Religious key of complex cross shape icon -
Calendar page with a cross sign icon -
Heart shaped outline with cross lines icon -
Bad, Close, Cross, Delete, Error, Remove icon -
Cross, Delete, Exit, Remove, Sign, x icon -
bad, cross, delete, close, error, remove icon -
delete, cross, clear, remove, block, cancel icon -
remove, danger, close, trash, delete, cross icon -
doctor, health, cross, drug, hospital, healthcare icon -
delete, cancel, square, close, remove, cross icon -
frame, error, warning, circle, close, cross icon -
sign, do, cross, privacy, not, disturb icon -
Square black shape with crossed lines icon -
cross, death, stone, cemetery, grave, celtic icon -
Royal catholic crown with a cross icon -
Religion crown with cross and circles icon -
Religious crown silhouette with cross symbol icon -
Royal rounded crown with cross symbol icon -
Royal crown with cross variant symbol icon -
cross, stop, button, no, close, cancel icon -
Delete clipboard symbol with cross sign icon -
Triangular emot with crossed out eyes icon -
Cross, Hospitaller, Knights, Malta, Of, The icon -
Cross, Delete, Exit, Image, No, Remove icon -
green, emergency, sign, cross, code, sos icon -
cross, code, emergency, sign, sos, danger icon -
human, user, cross, people, account, profile icon -
cancel, delete, red, close, exit, cross icon -
exit, delete, close, cancel, remove, cross icon -
remove, close, trash, logout, handrawn, cross icon -
Horizontal lines and cross interface symbol icon -
Three vertical lines with a cross icon -
Mute speaker black symbol with a cross icon -
Gift box with ribbon in a cross icon -
do, cross, not, disturb, do not, sign icon -
Museum cross signal of orientation for map icon -
trash, remove, close, exit, cancel, cross, delete icon -
remove, cancel, wrong, delete, cross, close, stop icon -
stop, exit, cancel, close, cross, delete, remove icon -
Square with a cross of broken lines icon -
cross, logo, square, social media, media, social icon -
bit, cross, mechanic, workshop, tools, screw, yummy icon -
Lalibela cross Church of Saint George Ethiopia icon -
Royal rounded crown with cross and studs icon -
Royal religion crown with cross and lines icon -
Royal crown curved lines with cross symbol icon -
Royal crown with a cross on top icon -
Royalty crown with cross and gem studs icon -
Royal crown silhouette variant with cross symbol icon -
Royal crown of lines with a cross icon -
back, previous, backward, prev, left, cross, arrow icon -
warning, delete, cross, stop, close, exit, cancel icon -
invalid, x, cancel, incorrect, cross, close, delete icon -
incorrect, delete, circle, x, cross, invalid, close icon -
invalid, circle, close, delete, cross, x, incorrect icon -
Museum cross signal of orientation for map icon -
Hammer and double side wrench in cross icon