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1712 free cross up icons
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remove, osx, cricle, delete, times, multiply, cross icon -
filled, multiply, delete, times, cross, osx, remove icon -
fast, messenger, instant, kik, cross-platform icon -
health, add, cross, plus, create, red, new icon -
close, cancel, exit, circle, delete, cross, remove icon -
square, closecancelsquare, close, delete, cross, remove, cancel icon -
cloudy, download, downloads, forecast, cross, cloud, handdrawn icon -
Key with a rhombus a flower and crosses icon -
Delete calendar button interface symbol with a cross icon -
Mute phone speaker interface symbol with a cross icon -
Cancel phone call auricular symbol with a cross icon -
Airplane sign with a cross for phone interface icon -
Earth sign of a circle with a cross icon -
Wrench and screwdriver in a criss cross position icon -
Man lying on his bed with crossed legs icon -
Black shield with a cross at the center icon -
Complex tall royal crown design of crossed lines icon -
Royalty crown made up of lines and cross icon -
Royal crown made up of lines and cross icon -
Royal crown with two crosses like crusades symbol icon -
Royal crown with a cross in the middle icon -
Vintage royal crown with a cross on top icon -
Royal crown variant made of lines and cross icon -
no, cancel, croix, fermer, cross, close, gtk, stop icon -
descend, cross, arrow, decrease, fall, descending, down, download icon -
right, arrow, correct, next, yes, cross, ok, forward icon -
No phone call auricular symbol with a cross icon -
Wrench of double side and hammer in cross icon -
vehicle, ambulance, doctor, emergency, red cross, car, transportation icon -
delete, logout, forbid, cross, remove, close, exit, red icon -
del, erase, kill, x-cross, delete, remove icon -
Flower shaped key with crosses of vintage elegant design icon -
Key with a cross hole and circles on top icon -
Calendar hanging of a wall with a cross sign icon -
Gift box heart shaped with centered ribbon in cross icon -
delete, reject, remove, stop, del, close, cancel, cross, no icon -
check, x-sign, x, delete, exit, cross, remove icon -
torq-set, cross, yummy, workshop, bit, screw, tools icon -
Crown made of criss cross lines and circle shapes icon -
Royal crown with round sides and cross symbol variant icon -
Royal crown with a cross and a leaf shape icon -
Royal crown with a cross at the frontal center icon -
Royal crown with a top cross for a pope icon -
Royal vintage crown with a little cross on top icon -
add song, add user, cross, new, add new, add icon -
make, create, green cross, plus, green, page, new, cross, drugstore, medical, sum, drugs, summary, medicine, add, health, addition, med, healthcare, hospital, creation icon -
Square symbol with a cross inside and four dots icon -
Key design with gross oval and a thin cross inside icon -
Cross X with circular arrow rotation symbol for axis X icon -
Wound cross on emot sad face of rounded square shape icon -
Close or delete button circular symbol with a cross inside icon -
Wound cross on emot sad face of rounded square shape icon -
Royal crown made of criss cross lines and circles variant icon -
Royal crown of complex design with a cross on top icon -
Crown made of triangle outlines with cross and small circles icon -
Royalty crown of criss cross lines and circle shape outlines icon -
Royal crown of crossed lines and small circles on points icon -
no, cross, delete, non, fermer, exit, none, remove, close, cancel icon -
Double wrench tool and hammer forming a cross of outlines icon -
plus, new, cross, medical, green, expand, create, add, make, mean icon