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1712 free crosses icons
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Mute interface audio symbol of a speaker with a cross icon -
Royal crown design of lines with a cross in the middle icon -
Royal crown of lines design with a catholic cross on top icon -
Royal crown with two circles and a cross in the middle icon -
Diagonal table icon -
Medical date reminder calendar daily page interface symbol with first aid cross icon -
remove, cross, bin, delete, close, minus, out, exit, garbage, recycle, empty, trash, cancel icon -
Royal crown of dark design with a cross and a circle on top icon -
gamepad, video game, console, playstation, joystick, controller, player, sony, games, cross, shape, gaming icon -
controller, games, cross, video game, shape, sony, player, gaming, joystick, gamepad, playstation, console icon -
Man extended on a bed with crossed legs and raised arms upon the head icon -
Royal crown with zig zag design on upper border and a cross in front icon -
dark, gaming, console, shape, cross, games, sony, playstation, video game, joystick, gamepad, player, controller icon -
red cross, care, medicine, hospital, medical, healthy, healthcare, doctor, first aid kit, kit, first-aid, health icon -
delete, cross, wrong, cancelled, terminate, error, termination, erase, remove, no, control, exit, close, reject, stop, invalid, err icon -
stop, cancelled, control, remove, err, close, wrong, cross, exit, termination, terminate, error, reject, delete, erase, no, invalid icon -
cancel, termination, no, close, erase, stop, err, delete, error, invalid, control, cancelled, wrong, remove, exit, cross, reject, terminate icon -
Cross on a rectangular shape with a smaller one and both of rounded external corners IOS interface symbol icon -
Clipboard icon -
summary, create, plus, creation, health, green, addition, sum, med, drugs, add, hospital, green cross, medicine, healthcare, medical, page, new, drugstore icon -
vert, supplement, throw in, tack, add, verdancy, create, button, plus, knob, add to, pin, cross, tag, append, snap, green, netvibes icon -
Clipboard icon -
Ankh icon -
Frame icon -
Table icon -
logo, tag, verdancy, netvibes, knob, cross, add to, pin, button, append, supplement, vert, add, key, plus, green, snap, square, create, social media, tack, throw in icon -
Egyptian Ankh icon -
Do not swim sign icon -
ceremony, bag, halloween, cover, shovel, tomb, secret, save, cemetery, store, rip, termination, tale, ritual, death, dracula, grave, dead, casket, close, life, box, deadly, cross, total, final, finish, stone, religion, commerce, result, end, story, the, coffin, vampire, package icon -
Delete folder hand drawn outline icon -
Electronic device with an antenna icon -
Cancel suitcase hand drawn interface symbol icon