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4063 free emotion icons
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Smiley of square face shape icon -
Smiley of square rounded face icon -
Smiley of square rounded face icon -
Smiley of square face shape icon -
Sad face in rounded square icon -
too, avatar, face, emoticom, sad icon -
face, emoticom, beat, shot, avatar icon -
after, boom, avatar, emoticom, face icon -
good, emoticom, avatar, face, feel icon -
emoticom, brick, avatar, face, beat icon -
bad, avatar, emoticom, smelly, face icon -
avatar, emoticom, kiss, face, sweet icon -
face, still, avatar, emoticom, dreaming icon -
emoticom, beat, face, avatar, plaster icon -
Day, Heart, Love, Smiley, Valentines icon -
Funny, Happy, Laugh, Rofl, Smiley icon -
love, smiley, valentine's day icon -
Smiley square face with broken teeth icon -
Smiley square face with broken teeth icon -
burn, face, avatar, stick, joss, emoticom icon -
Worried face silhouette with white details icon -
lilly flower, nature, rose, plant, flower icon -
bizzare, happy, rofl, smiley, funny, laugh icon -
love, valentine's day, smiley, heart icon -
valentine's day, love, smiley, kiss icon -
Smiley with tongue in a square shape icon -
Male square face with glasses and mustache icon -
Smiley with closed eyes rounded square face icon -
Smiley with tongue in a square shape icon -
Smiley with closed eyes rounded square face icon -
Male square face with glasses and mustache icon -
Is, Lol, Sparta, Sparta!, This, What, Why icon -
Sleeping face with opened mouth in square outline icon -
Surprised square face with eyes and mouth opened icon -
Nerd happy smiling face in rounded square face icon -
Surprised square face with eyes and mouth opened icon -
Nerd happy smiling face in rounded square face icon -
Sleeping face with opened mouth in square outline icon -
face, download, descend, fall, down, look, emoticom, avatar, descending, decrease icon -
rich, smiley face, sir, mustage, smiley, elegant, like a sir, glasses icon -
kid, profile, user, face, child, avatar, people, account, sexy, human, girl, person, emoticom icon -
human, people, profile, account, hell, emoticom, person, face, kid, user, avatar, child, boy icon -
person, girl, people, user, sexy, avatar, face, kid, emoticom, child, account, profile, human, extreme icon