198 free executant icons

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    execute, process, utilities, running, settings, gears icon
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    Execute, Gears, Preferences, Settings, System, Utilities icon
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    gears, utilities, settings, execute, preferences, system icon
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    Application, Dos, Executable, Gnome, Mime, Ms, x icon
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    Application, Dos, Executable, Gnome, Mime, Ms, x icon
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    wine, execute, window, document, exec, file, paper icon
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    executive, profile, people, account, red, user, human icon
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    blue, profile, executive, user, human, account, people icon
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    user, human, green, profile, executive, account, people icon
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    Application, Dos, Executable, Gnome, Mime, Ms, x icon
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    Exe, Execute, Gears, Package, Settings, System, Utilities, Wheels icon
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    settings, wheels, gears, package, utilities, execute, exe, system icon
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    triangle, next, forward, run, begin, up, arrow, play, execute, go, start icon
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    power, electric, lighting, light, shock, twister, electricity, strike, execute, lightning, energy, disaster, idea icon
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    disaster, execute, lightning, twister, idea, electricity, energy, light, shock, power, electric, strike, lighting icon
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    fastener, utilities, execute, zipper, lightning, filler, charge, cartridge, extra, special, load, filling, emergency, fastening, recharge, levin, settings, urgent icon
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    superintendent, user, supervisor, friend, managing director, associate, confrere, executive, oppo, steward, banian, man, chief, manager, business, colleague, boss, administrator icon
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    equip, punisher, torturer, killer, tomahawk, axe, despatch, red, blood, killing, kill, tool, assassin, executioner, ax, butchery, hanger, struggle, slaughterer, cutter, camping, hang, halloween, cut, bloody, equipment, iron, ketch, execute, headsman, hangman, chopping, jack, assassination, bill, chopping wood, punish, dispatch, wood, manslaughter, hatchet, metal, tools, homicide, execution, murder icon