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- 59 gem icons
59 free gem icons
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Gem icon -
Gem, icon -
Gem icon -
Gem icon -
Gem icon -
gem icon -
okay, gem icon -
gem, options icon -
gem, cancel icon -
Gem, Options icon -
Cancel, Gem icon -
gems, screen icon -
No Gems icon -
Diamond, Gem, Ruby icon -
diamond, ruby, gem icon -
Diamond, Gem, Ruby icon -
Ring with precious gem icon -
delete, remove, gem, del icon -
gem, green, stone, round, gemstone icon -
close, no, gem, cancel, stop, yellow icon -
citrine, precious, gem, jewel, stone, yellow icon -
stone, jewel, zircon, precious, yellow, gem icon -
value, luxury, diamond, sparkle, wealth, gem icon -
config, preference, setting, option, configuration, gem, configure icon -
minus, close, cancel, gem, subtract, no, stop icon -
diamonds, gem, diamond, treasure, precious, jewelry, jewel icon -
emerald, precious, gemstone, green, gem, stone, jewel icon -
stone, gem, amethystine, jewel, amethyst, precious, pink icon -
stone, peridot, crown, precious, gem, jewel, green icon -
precious, mosquito, succinite, komar, jewel, gem, amber icon -
Royalty crown with cross and gem studs icon -
gem, crystal, cube, precious, transparency, jewel, transparent, salt icon -
precious, diamond, ruby, value, stone, jewel, gem, expensive, gemstone icon -
quartzous, precious, crystal, silica, quartzose, jewel, gem, quartz, stone icon -
precious, gem, aquamarine, jewel, light, blue, light-blue, stone icon -
egg, opalesque, jewel, gem, easter, opaline, precious, stone, opal, opalescent icon -
Royal crown of thin black design with very little gems icon -
Royal crown variant outline with circle gem at the center icon -
green, nephritis, gem, jewel, precious, pyramid, axestone, jade, stone, greenstone, nephrite icon -
cool, clear, water, iced, jewel, ice, clean, gem, cubes, precious, ze, cold icon -
gem, clear, hard, test, diamonds, opacity, sharpness, hardness, transparent, precious, diamond, pyramid, clean, sharp, transparency icon -
explorer icon -
mirc icon -
yingyang icon -
msn icon -
xolox icon -
quicktime icon -
window icon -
mac icon -
mozilla icon -
recycle icon -
music icon -
firewire icon -
paw icon -
kazaa icon -
dragon icon -
gem, hardness, transparent, jewelry, transparency, jevel, minikin, crystal, rich, imitation, diamond, jewellery, fake, glass, diamonds, adamant, almaz, brilliant icon -
dragon, char icon -
tip, energy, hint, light icon