35 free heart outline icons
You can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
heart outline icon -
Heart, Outline icon -
Heart outline icon -
Outlined heart shape icon -
heart half outline icon -
heart full outline icon -
Heart shape outline icon -
Heart outline shape icon -
outline, appbar, heart icon -
Heart shape outline icon -
heart, love, outline, valentine icon -
Heart with gross outline icon -
Heart shaped lock outline icon -
broken heart shape outline icon -
Heart outline rounded shape icon -
Hearts outlines of gross lines icon -
Like heart social shape outline icon -
Heart shaped outline with lock icon -
Heart shaped thick outline variant icon -
Broken heart shape outline variant icon -
Eye outline with heart shape iris icon -
Heart of straight shape outline variant icon -
Heart shaped outline with cross lines icon -
Heart shape outline with banner label icon -
Eye outline variant with heart shaped center icon -
Love or like heart sketched outlined symbol icon -
Heart icon -
Heart shape outline with lining at right edge icon -
Valentines heart outline shape with ribbon tails couple icon -
heart, icon -
heart icon -
Love symbol of a heart outline in a square icon -
Emot in love face with heart shaped eyes in square outline icon -
Emot in love face with heart shaped eyes in square outline icon -
favourite, bookmark, favorites, like, bookmarks, heart, love icon