223 free learning icons

You can use our free online tool to generate css sprites

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    library, study, book, text, science, learning, reading, school, education, ebook icon
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    black board, education, learn, math, tutorial, teach, calculate, school, teaching, mathematics icon
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    education, learn, calculator, calc, mathematics, school, teaching, math, calculation, teach, board icon
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    antivirus, medicine, education, teaching, old, health, teach, virus, learn, school, anti icon
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    education, box, dick, school, old, teach, learn, teaching, disc, lecteur, dvd icon
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    school, letter, education, envelop, email, mail, old, teach, learn, message, teaching icon
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    library, education, study, school, teach, learn, emblem, book, reading, teaching, read icon
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    car, vehicle, transportation, school, transport, bus, automobile, learn, education, teaching, teach icon
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    baseball-bat, learning, game, basball, sport, baseball, stick, play, training, bat icon
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    school, disk, education, dick, old, clear, teach, clean, teaching, disc, nettoyage, learn, save icon
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    writing, learn, quill, feather, antique, school, write, teach, old, edit, plume, teaching, education icon
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    learning, academy, academic, tool, knowledge, education, handdrawn, student, teach, book, teaching, school, university icon
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    academy, student, academic, handdrawn, knowledge, learning, teach, university, basketball, teaching, school, education, sports icon
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    academy, academic, education, student, university, school, knowledge, graduation, teaching, handdrawn, teach, learning, graduate, cap icon
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    option, old, radio, configure, panneau, setting, configuration, config, music, school, teach, teaching, learn, education, preference icon
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    education, paper, hand-drawn, learning, document, files, sheet, study, a+, college, a, school, file icon
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    learn, education, old, picture, photo, photography, my picture, camera, image, teaching, black board, school, pic, teach icon
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    tool, blacboard, whiteboard, chalkboard, academic, teach, knowledge, learning, academy, student, handdrawn, education, teaching, university, board, school icon
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    teach, student, university, sketch, handdrawn, write, knowledge, education, pencil, graphite, academic, learning, academy, school, teaching, tool icon
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    flask, school, student, university, learning, science, tool, teach, chemistry, erlenmeyer, academy, academic, education, handdrawn, knowledge, teaching icon
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    medal, school, teaching, student, education, knowledge, university, honor, academy, recognition, handdrawn, learning, teach, achievement, award, academic icon
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    knowledge, handdrawn, school, student, world, learning, education, map, academic, geography, teach, earth, university, globe, teaching, academy, tool icon
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    teach, miniscule, academy, knowledge, student, learning, tool, academic, micro, magnify, microscope, university, education, handdrawn, teaching, science, biology, school icon
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    teacher, money, numbers, math, school, number, abacus, calculator, student, learning, education, finance, training, calc, counting, calculate, financial, banking, study icon
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    bulb, handdrawn, school, learning, lightbulb, idea, education, university, energy, knowledge, lamp, light, science, student, academic, academy, teach, electricity, teaching, power icon
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    tutorial, git, code, programming, github, line, coding icon
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    tutorial, git, line, coding, programming, github, code icon
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    javascript, code, solid, coding, tutorial, js, js scripting icon
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    coding, tutorial, solid, code, javascript, js, js scripting icon
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    code, coding, rails, coding language, ruby rails, solid, ruby icon
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    solid, photoshop, adobe, tutorial, adobe photoshop, digital painting, coding icon
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    wordpress code, wordpress, coding, wp, coding language, tutorial, solid icon
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    coding, code, solid, coding language, ruby, rails, ruby rails icon
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    digital painting, coding, adobe photoshop, solid, photoshop, adobe, tutorial icon
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    wordpress, coding, wordpress code, tutorial, wp, solid, coding language icon
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    coding language, solid, tutorial, coding, c sharp, code language, code icon
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    adobe illustrator, coding, tutorial, vector software, solid, vector graphics, adobe icon
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    cad package, coding, autodesk, art software, autodesk max, tutorial, solid icon
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    cad package, autodesk maya, solid, coding, art software, autodesk, tutorial icon
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    solid, tutorial, c sharp, coding, code, coding language, code language icon
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    coding, solid, vector software, adobe, tutorial, adobe illustrator, vector graphics icon
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    autodesk max, cad package, coding, autodesk, art software, tutorial, solid icon
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    cad package, coding, art software, tutorial, autodesk maya, solid, autodesk icon