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1409 free like icons
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save, disc, professionnel, disk, box, winxp icon -
mac, box, osx, save, disk, disc icon -
save, family, box, disk, winxp, disc icon -
disk, box, disc, vista, save, business icon -
ultimate, box, disc, disk, vista, save icon -
Hand in a thumbs up position icon -
Bones and a glove for Halloween icon -
Ball, Cute, Danger, Info, Information, Tipp icon -
cute, danger, info, tipp, information, ball icon -
shutdown, remote, turn off, power off icon -
off, shutdown, black, standby, on off icon -
perspective, no, stop, button, red, cancel icon -
ball, cute, close, stop, no, cancel icon -
down, download, descend, decrease, fall, dossierbleu, descending icon -
home, basic, box, house, vista, homepage, building icon -
building, home, house, homepage, vista, box, premium icon -
Ball, Cute, Find, Glass, Magnifying, Search, Zoom icon -
find, magnifying glass, zoom, search, cute, ball icon -
shutdown, power off, turn off, shut down icon -
shutdown, perspective, power off, button, turn off icon -
about, ball, info, tipp, information, danger, cute icon -
black, shutdown, power off, shut down, turn off icon -
turn off, bubble, shut down, power off, shutdown icon -
time, history, alarm clock, alarm, ball, cute, clock icon -
turn off, power off, shut down, bright, ball, shutdown icon -
turn off, ball, shutdown, cute, shut down, power off icon -
disk, basic, save, building, box, disc, house, home, vista, homepage icon -
premium, disk, disc, homepage, building, house, home, save, vista, box icon -
face, gaming, pacman, smiley, cute, emot, game, yellow, emotion, ball icon