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188 free linecon icons
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Note song icon -
Sound on icon -
User contacts icon -
Pen student icon -
Small calendar icon -
Tv control icon -
Noodle bowl icon -
Location gps icon -
Big star icon -
Display screen icon -
Shirt, t icon -
music, sound icon -
diamond, diamonds icon -
t, shirt icon -
cloud, weather icon -
vynil, disk icon -
Camera with flash icon -
info, information, data icon -
email, send, mail icon -
news, newspaper, subscribe icon -
pin, map, location icon -
idea, light, bulb icon -
attachment, clip, paper icon -
paperplane, paper plane icon -
new, add, create, plus icon -
winter, weather, cloud, cloudy icon -
zoom, magnifying, search, in icon -
direction, up, upload, arrow icon -
zoom, maginifying, search, out icon -
calendar, month, date, event icon -
vehicle, truck, transport, transportation icon -
phone, mobile, telephone, call icon -
picture, image, photography, photo icon -
edit, write, pencil, pen icon -
video, monitor, screen, display icon -
wait, clock, time, alarm icon -
down, download, direction, move, arrow icon -
cut, copy, files, sheet, documents icon -
falgged, winner, flag, win, report icon -
earth, browser, globe, world, internet icon -
comment, chat, speech, talk, bubble icon -
find, zoom, search, magnifying glass icon -
unlock, secure, lock, password, security icon -
vials, chemistry, test, lab, science icon -
eye, see, watch, show, view icon -
torch, burn, fire, hot, flame icon -
key, password, secure, lock, locked icon -
paper, document, page, sheet, file, files icon -
documents, file, folder, data, document, archive icon -
direction, back, undo, backward, left, previous icon -
up, vote, like, thumbs up, thumbs icon -
settings, params, tools, setting, parameters, preferences icon -
avatar, user, client, person, picture, profile, photo icon -
mail, envelope, letter, message, communication, sms, email icon -
bin, out, delete, empty, remove, trash, recycle icon -
picture, photography, pictures, camera, image, photo, photos icon -
remove, cancel, wrong, delete, cross, close, stop icon -
success, ok, done, tick, valid, right, yes icon -
planet, global, network, world, earth, globe, internet icon -
clock, alert, time, alarm, event, schedule, history icon