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92 free ltr icons
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media, gtk, next, ltr icon -
gtk, media, ltr, forward icon -
text, format, ltr, direction icon -
saved, revert, gtk, ltr icon -
Forward, Go, Gtk, Ltr icon -
Goto, Gtk, Last, Ltr icon -
Back, Go, Gtk, Ltr icon -
First, Goto, Gtk, Ltr icon -
last, ltr, go to, gtk icon -
gtk, go to, ltr, first icon -
Actions edit clear locationbar ltr icon -
actions edit clear locationbar ltr icon -
Actions edit clear locationbar ltr icon -
Direction, Format, Gnome, Ltr, Text icon -
Direction, Format, Gnome, Ltr, Text icon -
Gtk, Ltr, Revert, Saved, To icon -
direction, format, ltr, text, gnome icon -
revert, ltr, gtk, to, saved icon -
ltr, direction, 64, text, gnome, format icon -
format, ltr, text, 48, gnome, direction icon -
ltr, document, file, format, text, direction icon -
file, direction, text, document, ltr, format icon -
stock, text, direction, document, ltr, file icon -
file, direction, gnome, ltr, document, text, format icon -
previous, prev, back, ltr, gtk, left, backward, arrow icon -
prev, previous, back, backward, arrow, gtk, left, ltr icon -
yes, forward, next, gtk, ok, right, arrow, ltr, correct icon -
ltr, yes, next, media, right, gtk, arrow, ok, correct, forward icon -
yes, gtk, correct, next, media, ltr, forward, ok, arrow, right icon -
ltr, right, ok, gtk, next, correct, media, forward, yes, arrow icon -
yes, ltr, forward, ok, right, correct, media, gtk, arrow, next icon -
file, direction, paint, ltr, text, pen, pencil, format, write, document, writing, edit, draw icon