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517 free rotate icons
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Phone position rotation from horizontal to vertical icon -
tap, rotate, fingers, gesture, pinch, touch, swipe icon -
synchronize, sync, arrows, repeat, refresh, rotate, circulate icon -
refresh, update, sync, reload, rotate, exchange, cloud icon -
cloud, update, sync, reload, refresh, rotate, exchange icon -
arrows, repeat, update, sync, reload, refresh, rotate icon -
Key password interface symbol rotated to left icon -
object, arrow, backward, previous, left, prev, rotate, back icon -
previous, layer, left, back, rotate, prev, arrow, backward icon -
Circular arrow rotation symbol on rectangular object shape icon -
arrow, previous, object, rotate, back, prev, left, backward icon -
synchronize, refresh, renew, rotate, update, reload, arrow, sync icon -
responsive, cell, device, hand-held, rotate, flip icon -
3d rotating symbol of a cube and an arrow icon -
Sign of a line and a rotated square icon -
Wrench tool black shape silhouette rotated to right icon -
correct, object, right, ok, rotate, yes, arrow, next, forward icon -
Circles and lines symbol with two arrows for rotation icon -
Plus sign in a circle with two rotating lines icon -
arrow, correct, ok, forward, right, object, yes, next, rotate icon -
previous, back, prev, backward, rotate, object, gnome, left, arrow icon -
arrow, ok, yes, forward, next, object, right, rotate, correct icon -
object, rotate, forward, ok, right, yes, next, correct, arrow icon -
Recycle triangular sign of three rotating arrows in a square icon -
Cross X with circular arrow rotation symbol for axis X icon -
correct, forward, gnome, next, right, object, arrow, rotate, ok, yes icon -
back, arrow, object, rotate, previous, counter clockwise, backward, prev, left icon -
twist, spin, swing, turnabout, twirl, turning, revolution, rotation, roll, turn icon -
left, edit, redo, restore, back, revert, turn, arrow, undo, rotate icon -
go, redo, forward, restore, revert, turn, rotate, right, undo, arrow icon -
revert, round, back, undo, reverse, arrow, previous, left, rotate, cw icon -
Ornamental rotating polygonal shape with three lines around an hexagon of small triangles icon -
again, repeat, reload, rotate, sync, circulation, synchronize, arrow, update, exchange, flip, refresh, flipping icon -
arrow, refresh, circulation, exchange, synchronize, rotate, flipping, reload, flip, sync, again, update, repeat icon -
go, conf, system, gearwheel, tools, preferences, cogwheel, screw-wheel, pinion, rackwheel, configurate, configure, gear, rotate, play, mech, mechanic, stop, mechanics, control, settings, gears icon -
gear, gears, gearwheel, preferences, screw-wheel, system, mechanic, go, mechanics, pinion, control, mech, stop, play, tools, settings, rotate, application, cogwheel, rackwheel, conf, configurate, configure icon -
Documents plus symbol for interface with rounded square shape icon