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1072 free school icons
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student, learn, glasses, learning icon -
teach, learn, learning, desk icon -
studnet, book, user, cover icon -
learn, pack, learning, back icon -
Car, Performance, Speed, Transportation icon -
Coffee, Cup, Drink, Java icon -
Anti, Health, Medicine, Virus icon -
Car, Racing, Toy, Transportation icon -
Animal, Bird, Eagle, Thunderbird icon -
Coffee, Cup, Drink, Java icon -
Antique, Ink, Office, Pen icon -
medicine, anti virus, health icon -
thunderbird, eagle, animal, bird icon -
pen, ink, antique, office icon -
transportation, racing, toy, car icon -
cup, drink, coffee, java icon -
java, drink, cup, coffee icon -
favoris, rçseaux icon -
Agenda with pen holder icon -
Blackboard with text lines icon -
envelop, letter, email, mail, message icon -
account, profile, user, human, people icon -
plane, avion, airplane, transport, transportation icon -
old, bird, animal, eagle, thunderbird icon -
document, paper, file, dossier, ardoise icon -
hard disk, hdd, hard drive icon -
mark, check, chalk, board, learning icon -
cover, task, book, reading, add icon -
check, learning, ok, assignment, mark icon -
Antique, Feather, Quill, Write, Writing icon -
world, search, find, globe, earth icon -
writing, quill, write, feather, antique icon -
hard disk, window, hard drive, hdd icon -
descending, down, descend, decrease, download, fall icon -
ardoise, picture, dossier, image, pic, photo icon -
lecteur, cd, dvd, disk, disc, save icon -
hard drive, osx, hard disk, hdd icon -
hard drive, hdd, hard disk, externe icon -
learn, class, ruler, learning, education, architecture icon -
Antique, Clock, Pocket, Time, Timepiece, Watch icon -
old, vide, profile, account, human, people, user icon -
disk, cd, oldschool, music, save, record, disc icon -
watch, antique, timepiece, time, clock, pocket watch icon -
vroum, automobile, car, transport, transportation, racing, vehicle, toy icon -
speed, performance, automobile, car, vehicle, os, systeme, transport, transportation icon -
recherche, planet, seek, earth, globe, world, search, find, internet icon -
Antique, Atlas, Compass, Exploration, Map, Navigation, Old, Sailing, World icon -
exploration, atlas, sailing, antique, map, world, navigation, compass, old icon -
antique, office, draw, pen, paint, writing, ink, edit, pencil, write icon -
setting, preference, configuration, configure, battery, config, oldschool, alimentation, option, energy, charge icon -
clock, watch, pocket, alarm clock, history, alarm, machine, time, antique, timepiece icon -
map, world, globe, sailing, exploration, earth, explorerv, navigation, old, atlas, antique, compass icon