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1190 free shaded icons
You can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
net, app icon -
old, foursquare icon -
machine, hype icon -
fm, official icon -
robo, to icon -
google, talk icon -
gowalla, mobile icon -
yahoo, bookmarks icon -
messenger, yahoo icon -
yahoo, buzz icon -
buzz, google icon -
krug, moi icon -
facto, me icon -
mister, wong icon -
threewords, me icon -
digg, digger icon -
net, tribe icon -
Addressbook Contacts icon -
Addressbook Contacts icon -
chat, message icon -
contacts, phonebook icon -
arrow, target icon -
donut, desert icon -
lifeguard, lifebelt icon -
Apple App Store icon -
Apple App Store icon -
Apple Play Store icon -
Apple Play Store icon -
Apple Play Store icon -
google, chrome, browser icon -
mac, os, x icon -
windows, microsoft, ms icon -
apple,app,store icon -
wordpress, press, word icon -
creative, cc, common icon -
add this, addthis icon -
foursquare, by, powered icon -
calendar, date, schedule icon -
photos, images, pictures icon -
movie, video, camera icon -
camera, pictures, photo icon -
html 5, html5 icon -
hi5, hi 5 icon -
w3, w3c icon -
pointer, destination, location, map icon -
os/2, os 2, os two icon -
bc, social network, bandcamp, band camp icon -
social network, eye, watch, video, tv, logo, periscope icon -
video, tv, logo, eye, social network, watch, periscope icon -
haunter, pass, ghost, phantasm, cotton, dead, story, sad, film, fly, dream, halloween, specter, sleep, fantom, bogie, fantasy, spirit, tale, crux, death, monster, focus, spectre, ufo, appear, smiley, person, wraith, boggard, spect, boggart, avatar, well, invisible, fake, history, emot, stunt, false, trick, smile, movie, puzzle, secret, emot, shade, fantasm, spooky, appearance, illusion, alien, appartion, mystery, riddle, horror, dreams, spook, haunted, juggle, video, host, phantom, murder, evil, bogey, phantasy, flight icon