29 free shape group icons
You can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
shape,group icon -
group, shape icon -
shape, group icon -
Group, Shape icon -
Group, Shape icon -
shape group icon -
shape group icon -
Group, Shape icon -
shape, group icon -
shape group icon -
shape group icon -
shape, group icon -
Group, Shape icon -
shape group icon -
Group, Shape icon -
shape group icon -
Group, Shape icon -
group, shape icon -
shape,group icon -
group, shape icon -
group, ungroup, shape icon -
Three 3d geometrical shapes group symbol icon -
Flamenco fans group of four in rhombus shape icon -
club, grid, event-coordination, corporate-groups, open, mobile, business, xing, communication, social-media, plug-in, shape, group-discussion, creative, profile, social-network icon -
creative, open, corporate-groups, profile, mobile, business, plug-in, club, xing, social-network, grid, communication, event-coordination, group-discussion, social-media, shape icon -
storing, bookmarking, social-network, creative, grid, shape, communication, bookmark, sharing, social-media, delicious, discovering, link-group icon -
social-network, bookmark, social-media, delicious, grid, link-group, sharing, bookmarking, storing, creative, discovering, communication, shape icon -
group, icq, instant, emot, group-chat, individual chat, chat, message, creative, shape, messenger, social-network, off, communication, social-media, talk, grid, send, games, file transfer, greeting-card, flower, instant-message icon -
group-chat, creative, messenger, games, social-network, instant, communication, message, flower, send, instant-message, greeting-card, offline, grid, shape, file transfer, chat, social-media, emot, talk, individual chat, icq, group icon