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1418 free skype icons
You can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
headset, skype, multimedia, headphone, media, device, communication icon -
network, socialmedia, video, chat, connect, skype, social icon -
share, video, media, skype, social, connect, chat icon -
social, internet, web, chat, skype, media, communication icon -
email, skype, message, social, talk, chat, conversation icon -
skype, message, communication, voip, speech, send, envelope icon -
s, chat, red, voice, skype, circular, modern icon -
skype, line, circles, social, neon, voice, call icon -
social media, social, speak, talk, skype, square icon -
skype, phone, video, chat, internet, voice, call icon -
internet, voice, skype, chat, call, phone, video icon -
call, skype, phone, chat, voice, video, internet icon -
video, internet, chat, voice, phone, call, skype icon -
microsoft, chat, ms, skype, social, windows phone, windows icon -
skype, chat, storage, app, video call, social, folder icon -
social, social media, profile, skype, account, call, connect icon -
chat, logo, talk, call, facetime, skype, microsoft, communication icon -
message, call, talk, chat, skype, logo, communication, social icon -
app, social, skype, message, cloud, video call, chat icon -
communication, video chat, skype, webcam, hardware, camera, cam icon -
skype, social network, social media, social, social application icon -
media, network, social media, communication, skype, web, social icon -
social, skype, social application, social media, social network icon -
call to parents, socialize, screen, resolutions, skype, communication, talk icon -
speech, voice, chat, talk, skype, talking, telephone, messenger, call, mobile, message icon -
message, chat, telephone, mobile, speech, talk, skype, talking, bubble, call, messenger, voice icon -
social media, talk, help, social, conference, messenger, logo, call, communication, message, comment, skype, chat icon -
social media, communication, chat, talk, phone, message, connection, internet, social, social, skype, social network, interaction, media icon -
s icon -
Logo icon -
Camera icon -
Lens icon -
Logo icon -
Logo icon -
creative, talk, chat, skype, communication, shape, video, social-network, business, social-media, message, speech, grid, call, audio icon -
creative, message, social-media, speech, video, shape, chat, communication, call, business, skype, audio, grid, social-network, talk icon -
payment, internet, crisp, seo, buy, contacts, message, business, ecommerce, network, chat, contact, sk, financial, mobile, telephone, call, socal, communication, connection, skype, marketing icon -
media, spooky, halloween, creepy, grave, social media, evil, gray, cold, grey, october, stone, scary, skype, tomb, witch, tombstone, graveyard, social, ghosts, boo, rock icon