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36482 free svg icons
You can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
sync, rotate, reload, refresh icon -
upload, up, direction, arrow icon -
check, ok, valid, accept icon -
delete, cancel, remove, cross icon -
location, place, navigation, direction icon -
new, plus, add, create icon -
arrows, direction, arrow, double icon -
Big Star button icon -
Couple of women icon -
Add another object icon -
Add frame option icon -
Right side bar icon -
Frame with cross icon -
infographic, bars, data, information icon -
infographic, trends, analytics, business icon -
bars, information, data, infographic icon -
business, trends, analytics, infographic icon -
infographic, business, analytics, trends icon -
sliders, setup, settings, preferences icon -
settings, spanner, wrench, tool icon -
find, magnifier, zoom, search icon -
computer, screen, monitor, desktop icon -
letter, mail, message, email icon -
folder, documents, folders, files icon -
picture, file, image, photo icon -
volume, sound, audio, music icon -
file, documents, document, folder icon -
office, business, finance, building icon -
paper, printing, print, printer icon -
ad, advertising, ads, advertisement icon -
football, sport, american, ball icon -
sport, bowling, ball, game icon -
social network, twitter, twit icon -
chart, organization, organisation, flow icon -
graduation ceremony, graduation, award icon -
candy, halloween, sweet, confect icon -
poison, potion, bottle, halloween icon -
witch, magic, halloween, broom icon -
nature, leaf, autumn, maple icon -
lollipop, sweet, halloween, confect icon -
cancel, exit, remove, cross icon -
clipboard, task, board, paste icon -
copy, documents, clone, duplicate icon -
options, preferences, settings, properties icon -
document, new, page, sheet icon -
email, alert, notification, mail icon -
notification, mail, email, envelope icon -
notification, email, mail, flag icon -
mail, alert, email, notification icon -
envelope, notification, mail, card icon -
email, mail, notification, empty icon -
open, mail, email, notification icon -
mail, card, envelope, notification icon -
delete, email, mail, notification icon -
empty, notification, email, mail icon -
eye, holidays, anatomy, halloween icon -
halloween, holidays, bat, moon icon -
halloween, holidays, cauldron, witchcraft icon -
candle, halloween, holidays, flame icon -
scythe, halloween, death, holidays icon