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4535 free texts icons
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file, account, full, human, user, people, text, about, info, viewer, profile, information, document icon -
how to, text, file, doc, help, question, page, document, how, about, query, to icon -
documents, text, business, office, file, document, doc, data, format, files, editor, page, paper icon -
explorer, format, pdf, file, rar, finder, text, document, psd, browser, windows explorer, zip icon -
edit, document, draw, direction, format, paint, rtl, text, writing, pencil, write, pen, file icon -
file, direction, paint, ltr, text, pen, pencil, format, write, document, writing, edit, draw icon -
config, speech, option, desktop, document, configure, sound, voice, text, file, setting, preference, configuration icon -
html, e learning, code, hyper text markup language, coding, solid, e-learning icon -
e learning, solid, coding, html, code, hyper text markup language, e-learning icon -
Align to right icon -
notebook with spring opened with a text page and a pencil in the opposite icon -
Left indentation option icon -
Inbox with Document icon -
human, document, person, account, gnome, file, profile, people, man, troff, member, male, user, text, mime icon -
document, backward, correct, ok, file, next, back, arrow, previous, text, prev, left, right, forward, yes icon -
prev, arrow, correct, left, backward, next, back, right, previous, document, forward, yes, file, text, ok icon -
account, member, text, male, user, troff, profile, person, document, human, mime, people, man, gnome, file icon -
file, document, cancel, ascending, ascend, arrow, upload, no, stop, increase, close, rise, text, uplevel, red, up icon -
bold icon -
equation icon -
chart icon -
shape icon -
forum, msn, information, comment, verdancy, report, vert, green, talk, message, announcement, bubble, sms, statement, communication, chat, text icon -
text, social, linledin, green, circle, blue, chart, left, linked, diagram, up, stock, sheet, documents, files, report, media icon -
Cutout of a document icon -
shapes icon -
print icon -
chart icon -
Shapes icon -
Print icon -
Chart icon -
chart icon -
print icon -
shapes icon -
Cutout of a document icon -
mail, chat, write, file, pencil, graphic, posts, drawing, document, writing, message, article, text, email, talk, communication, wordpress posts icon -
Italic icon -
Superscript icon -
messenger, communication, share, document, message, paper, contact, submit, letter, creative, plane, send, hand-drawn, mail, hand drawn, text, paperplane icon -
list, copy, documents, pad, survey, paper, ipad, checklist, to-do, form, clipboard, document, report, reports, text, file, order, poll, data icon -
online, spurl, communication, browser, no-cost, creative, grid, shape, web, bookmark, social-media, text-search, social-network icon -
social-media, tweet, send, microblog, shape, grid, creative, connection, communication, social-network, friends, short-message, text, read, twitter icon -
browser, communication, bookmark, online, web, shape, grid, creative, text-search, no-cost, spurl, social-network, social-media icon -
tweet, connection, grid, read, twitter, communication, social-network, short-message, shape, friends, creative, social-media, send, microblog, text icon -
fill, color icon -
align, left icon -
bookmarking, bookmarking-website, website, annotate, creative, shape, highlight, social-media, text-search, communication, diigo, webpage, social-network, grid icon -
social-network, social-media, webpage, annotate, text-search, bookmarking-website, creative, website, diigo, shape, bookmarking, highlight, grid, communication icon -
creative, zootool, grid, visual, text, web-browse, shape, bookmark, favorite, communication, document, social-media, video, social-network, image, links icon -
visual, communication, social-media, zootool, shape, image, creative, document, video, social-network, bookmark, text, favorite, links, web-browse, grid icon -
search b icon -
merge cells icon -
color fill icon -
Cells, Merge icon -
b, Search icon -
Color, Fill icon -
color fill icon -
merge cells icon -
search b icon -
inlet, paste, version, gusset, put in, embed, text, book, deed, piece, interpose, intercalation, document, paper, record, plug, instrument, insertion, insert, word, writing, align icon