2911 free the calendar icons

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    edit, writing, date, week, write, calendar, schedule icon
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    schedule, calendar, del, day, delete, date, remove icon
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    event, day, date, calendar, schedule, month, marking icon
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    schedule, day, date, event, calendar, deadline, mark icon
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    line, business, calendar, deadline, date, set, graphic icon
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    sun, advantage, calendar, night, date, day, moon icon
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    calendar, event, month, xmas, schedule, date, planner icon
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    schedule, timer, alert, alarm, calendar, watch, clock icon
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    schedule, plan, timetable, date, event, appointment, calendar icon
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    schedule, event, date, graficheria, calendar, month, day icon
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    event, date, month, stroke, schedule, calendar, common icon
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    date, appointment, calendar, schedule, day, common, plan icon
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    Special TV program day reminder calendar page interface symbol icon
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    January calendar page on payment day with dollar sign icon
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    Fireworks on event day reminder calendar page of interface icon
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    Calendar hanging of a wall with a cross sign icon
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    Thumb up sign on daily January calendar interface symbol icon
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    Calendar square page outline with spring on top border icon
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    Calendar interface symbol with printed image and text lines icon
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    Engagement ring reminder January day on calendar interface symbol icon
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    Daily calendar of day in rounded black square page icon
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    Ballet dancer on calendar page to remind class day icon
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    Closed day reminder interface symbol of hanging calendar page icon
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    October calendar daily page interface symbol of square outline icon
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    April of calendar page with travel bag reminder symbol icon
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    Calendar tool interface symbol for time administration and organization icon
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    twenty-four, four, schedule, two, calendar, event, hovytech icon
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    event, twenty-one, hovytech, schedule, calendar, two, one icon
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    two, hovytech, calendar, schedule, twenty-five, event, five icon
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    schedule, calendar, two, hovytech, event, twenty-seven, seven icon
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    nine, two, schedule, calendar, twenty-nine, event, hovytech icon
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    hovytech, calendar, two, event, six, schedule, twenty-six icon
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    twenty-three, event, hovytech, calendar, schedule, three, two icon
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    two, schedule, second, calendar, event, twenty-two, hovytech icon
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    eight, twenty-eight, schedule, two, hovytech, event, calendar icon
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    planner, year, event, timetable, datepicker, flip, calendar, month, time, google calendar, appointment, day, plan, week, business, ical icon
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    time, watch, calendar, wait, timer, alarm, clock icon
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    timer, alarm, calendar, clock, watch, time, event icon
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    reminder, calendar, schedule, date, planner, month, appointment icon
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    date, day, calendar, annual, calender, schedule, time icon
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    month, period, calendar, schedule, year, event, time icon
  • add to css sprites
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    schedule, event, day, calendar, date, appointment, month icon
  • add to css sprites
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    month, calendar, day, schedule, date, event, appointment icon
  • add to css sprites
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    event, month, plan, date, calendar, schedule, day icon
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    event, plan, schedule, calendar, planning, month, timetable icon
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    year, holiday, date, time, calendar, event, now icon
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    work, calendar, stock, schedule, date, week, view icon
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    schedule, list, date, calendar, stock, view, listing icon
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    calendar, time, schedule, alarm, clock, plan, timer icon
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    chart, event, calendar, schedule, business, plan, month icon
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    Airplane travel day on page with number of a calendar icon
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    Calendar interface symbol with left arrow to view previous days icon
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    schedule, envelop, date, message, letter, calendar, email, mail icon
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    back, schedule, calendar, prev, backward, left, date, previous icon
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    date, exclamation, schedule, calendar, error, warning, alert, wrong icon
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    warning, error, schedule, calendar, wrong, alert, exclamation, date icon
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    back, backward, date, left, previous, calendar, prev, schedule icon
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    clocks, calendar, date, clock2, hour, time, schedule icon
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    calendar, date, history, month, day, event, plan, schedule icon
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    date, exclamation, alert, wrong, calendar, schedule, error, warning icon