6212 free the humans icons

You can use our free online tool to generate css sprites

  • add to css sprites
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    stock, viaje, maleta, holiday, vacation, briefcase, suitcase, vacaciones, travel, negocios icon
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    search, seek, back, media, find, left, previous, arrow, prev, backward icon
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    back, arrow, object, rotate, previous, counter clockwise, backward, prev, left icon
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    pack, eraser, erase, package, clean, clear, del, remove, purge, delete icon
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    download, fall, bottom, decrease, descend, orange, old, arrow, descending, down icon
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    time attendance, setting, option, configure, preference, time, history, system, configuration, config icon
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    new, reading, folder, favorite, bookmark, favourite, kde, book, address, star, read icon
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    openofficeorg, writer, paint, edit, old, pencil, writing, draw, pen, write, ink icon
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    mail, message, email, delete, edit, del, letter, remove, writing, envelop, write icon
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    wrong, gtk, skull, alert, poison, crossbones, error, exclamation, printer, warning, print icon
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    idea, option, configure, management, system, preference, power, setting, configuration, lightbulb, config icon
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    paper, find, writing, view, document, file, search, seek, write, old, edit icon
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    library, education, study, school, teach, learn, emblem, book, reading, teaching, read icon
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    next, yes, security, arrow, forward, stock, locked, ok, lock, right, correct icon
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    preference, desktop, config, screen, option, configuration, monitor, setting, configure, display, computer icon
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    and, config, configuration, preference, option, setting, calendar, schedule, date, task, configure icon
  • add to css sprites
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    configure, config, option, paint, desktop, painting, color, draw, configuration, setting, preference icon
  • add to css sprites
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    arrow, forward, right, yes, seek, media, ok, search, correct, find, next icon
  • add to css sprites
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    star, book, address, reading, new, orange, favourite, folder, favorite, bookmark, read icon
  • add to css sprites
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    setting, gear, system, gnome, configuration, preference, configure, config, switcher, option, panel, workspace icon
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    skull, panel, force, log out, logout, exit, gnome, quit, hacker, sign out icon
  • add to css sprites
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    correct, ok, right, forward, letter, email, envelop, mail, yes, arrow, message, next icon
  • add to css sprites
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    old, zoom, magnifying class, magnifier, seek, zoom in, original, enlarge, search, find icon
  • add to css sprites
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    letter, correct, mail, forward, envelop, right, ok, email, arrow, next, replied, message, yes icon
  • add to css sprites
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    write, next, arrow, ok, submit, redo, correct, forward, old, right, writing, yes, edit icon
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    edit, document, draw, direction, format, paint, rtl, text, writing, pencil, write, pen, file icon
  • add to css sprites
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    file, direction, paint, ltr, text, pen, pencil, format, write, document, writing, edit, draw icon
  • add to css sprites
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    page, next, arrow, yes, right, back, forward, correct, backward, prev, previous, ok, left icon
  • add to css sprites
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    option, locked, preference, lock, desktop, security, cryptography, password, secret, config, configure, setting, configuration icon
  • add to css sprites
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    config, speech, option, desktop, document, configure, sound, voice, text, file, setting, preference, configuration icon
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    envelop, right, mail, stock, ok, email, correct, letter, next, message, forward, arrow, filter, yes, apply icon
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    richtig, pack, next, ok, tick, yes, correct, installed, checkmark, package, updated, arrow, forward, haken, check on, checked, right icon