784 free the university icons
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Thermometer or barometer outline weather tool icon -
Bar graph with diagonal line details icon -
Open lock with two bar design icon -
Photo camera with zoom lens outline icon -
Open laptop with white screen outline icon -
FAQ interface symbol with question mark icon -
Cup of hot coffee or tea icon -
Auricular of telephone in white version icon -
Gear outline interface symbol for settings icon -
Comment circular balloon with text lines icon -
Old structure with three pillars outline icon -
exit, delete, close, cancel, remove, cross icon -
direction, back, arrow, left, arrows, chevron icon -
sign, new, circle, plus, add, create icon -
down, arrows, chevron, bottom, arrow, direction icon -
left, direction, arrows, arrow, navigation, back icon -
Left arrow first track button outline icon -
Speech bubble outline with two conversation lines icon -
White compact disc with black outline doodle icon -
T shirt design outline of rounded shape icon -
Power button on or hole for keys icon -
Caret outline pointing to the upper left icon -
Three big stacked rods with small circles icon -
Battery fully charged in vertical rounded version icon -
Image interface symbol in rounded square variant icon -
Business pie graphic outline of rounded shape icon -
Folder outline with a paper page inside icon -
Refresh content thin circular arrow interface symbol icon -
Battery with full charge symbol for interface icon -
print, hardware, printer, fatcow, base, printing, paper icon -
gold, money, napoleon, base, coin, cash, finance icon -
forward, next, direction, arrows, chevron, right, arrow icon -
forward, next, arrows, circle, right, arrow, direction icon -
close, cancel, exit, circle, delete, cross, remove icon -
left, back, arrows, chevron, circle, direction, arrow icon -
check, ok, complete, circle, correct, yes, accept icon -
arrow, navigation, back, direction, left, arrows, circle icon -
forward, next, circle, direction, right, arrows, arrow icon -
yes, right, correct, check, complete, ok, accept icon -
arrows, chevron, direction, arrow, circle, bottom, down icon -
arrow, circle, top, up, direction, arrows, chevron icon -
top, arrow, chevron, direction, up, arrows, close icon -
navigation, next, arrow, forward, right, arrows, direction icon -
top, arrow, circle, up, navigation, direction, arrows icon -
arrows, up, arrow, navigation, direction, upload, top icon -
download, direction, down, arrow, bottom, arrows, navigation icon -
Emot in love of square face shape icon -
Cloud black shape with three dots inside icon -
Cup of tea or coffee draw by hand icon -
Auricular of a phone hand made drawing outline icon -
Arrow pointing upward from an oval shape outline icon -
Radio tool for hand of rounded rectangular shape icon -
Wrench and screwdriver in a criss cross position icon -
E mail interface symbol envelope of rounded shape icon -
Page with text lines and one folded corner icon -
Document rounded square interface symbol with text lines icon -
Text document square rounded shape with minus sign icon -
download, bottom, navigation, arrows, direction, down, arrow, circle icon -
Key in vertical position for interface security symbol icon -
Battery of rounded shape in vertical with low charge icon