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800 free tool svg icons
You can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
wifi, router, connection, mobile, wireless icon -
notes, note, paper, text, sheet icon -
document, data, text, editor, file icon -
bulb, lightbulb, lightning, light, lamp icon -
Wrench and Screwdriver crossed icon -
brush, paint, painting, easel, art icon -
notebook, moleskine, write, pencil, notepad icon -
graphic, pad, stylus, wacom, design icon -
content, grid, e-mail, sharing-tool, communication, creative, social-media, share, web, shape, social-network, widget, text-message icon -
Circle with irregular shape inside icon -
Open folder with verification sign icon -
sharethis, social-network, widget, communication, creative, e-mail, shape, content, grid, sharing-tool, web, social-media, text-message, share icon -
Cot black silhouette side view icon -
Two books sizes outlined symbol icon -
Disc outline of gross line icon -
philips driver, bold and nut, screwdriver icon -
Notebook filled with text lines icon -
media, audio, sound, music, play, headphone icon -
espresso, cup, coffee, mug, drink, cafe icon -
send, photo-sharing, comment, creative, account, write, social-media, social-network, journal, grid, communication, service, diary, livejournal, blogs, shape, publishing-tools, live icon -
live, creative, send, journal, shape, comment, blogs, social-media, communication, grid, social-network, write, photo-sharing, livejournal, diary, publishing-tools, service, account icon -
adobe, illustrator, print, news, design, book icon -
penguin, server, system, platform, linux, os icon -
adobe, news, print, book, indesign, design icon -
coding, code, dreamweaver, html, css, adobe icon -
google, javascript, framework, development, angular, code icon -
ionic, htm, development, framework, app, hybrid icon -
Briefcase download button with downwards arrow icon -
Folder with minus sign interface symbol icon -
Orientation winds star pointing cardinal points icon -
Two filled folders of different sizes icon -
File dark symbol with a clock icon -
ruler, equipment, measuring, measure, tape, geometry, scale icon -
delivery, service, maintenance, package, toolbox, box, kit icon -
bulb, illumination, idea, invention, technology, electricity, light icon -
gears, settings, options, mechanical, mechanic, gear, configure icon -
color, buckets, brush, paint, bucket, painting, repair icon -
develop, programming, software, java, language, code, command icon -
command, language, software, develop, code, programming, javascript icon -
cc, adobe, graphics, ps, psd, photoshop, design icon -
programming, language, code, command, software, php, develop icon -
software, os, google, ui, mobile, android, material icon -
linux, system, platform, apple, os, mac, ios icon -
editor, code, text, sublime, programming, ware, software icon -
layout, html, code, language, programming, markup, develop icon -
web, wordpress, blog, cms, page, word, design icon -
mobile, development, design, facebook, react, apps, framework icon -
sale, page, cms, shop, opencart, ecommerce, store icon -
repository, files, contribute, branch, svn, manage, bitbucket icon -
jquery, language, code, programming, develop, javascript, framework icon -
code, style, programming, language, develop, layout, css icon -
premiere, clip, edit, adobe, video, audio, movie icon -
design, css, compilator, code, web, style, sass icon -
word, cms, joomla, blog, page, web, design icon -
portfolio, library, creativecloud, software, adobe, cc, program icon -
less, design, code, web, compilator, css, style icon -
develop, css, javascript, html, microsoft, webdesign, visualstudio icon -
adobe, interact, jquery, edge, animate, web, javascript icon -
google, drive, storage, collaboration, productivity, designer, cloud icon -
web, flash, audio, adobe, interact, animation, video icon