telephone, call, phone, communication, talk icon download

- Format:
- png
- Width:
- 128px
- Height:
- 128px
- File size:
- 5.2KB
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- Tags: telephone call phone communication talk
- Belong to icon sets: Office Set icon sets
This icon is a transparent background png icon, you can use our free online tool to generate css sprites
- Download: png icon (5.2KB) 16x16 ico 32x32 ico 64x64 ico 128x128 ico
- Css sprites: Add to css sprites generator
Download common sizes of this icon
These icons also belongs to icon sets "Office Set"
people, leader, group, team, users icon -
date, calendar, event, month, schedule icon -
man, user, account, office, person, boss icon -
person, productivity, motivation, user, business, worker icon -
statistics, optimization, analytics, report, graph icon -
demo, chart, statistics, presentation, report, analytics, slides icon -
telephone, call, phone, communication, talk icon -
time, schedule, clock, wait, watch, hours icon -
finance, money, payment, cash, raise icon -
currency, money, dollar, cash, finance icon -
woman, worker, user, secretary, profile, person icon -
analytics, paper, statistics, information, report icon -
analytics, diagram, chart, statistics, graph icon -
boss, man, office, person, account, user icon -
microphone, speech, talk, presentation, communication icon -
mail, message, send, letter, email, envelope icon - View All
Related icons of this icon
call, talk, telephone, phone, communication icon -
phone, fire, communication, telephone, call, talk icon -
stationary, talk, telephone, phone, communication, call icon -
talk, smartphone, speech, chat, phone, communication, telephone, call, phones, ringing icon -
phone, call, telephone, communication icon -
Call, Communication, Phone, Telephone icon -
communication, home, phone, call, telephone icon -
call, communication, telephone, mobile, phone icon -
call, talk, comment, telephone, message, chat, communication icon -
phone, cell, mobile, telephone, talk, call icon -
phone, mobile, communication, telephone, circle, call icon -
phone, communication, contact, bank, telephone, call icon -
call, telephone, chat, mobile, phone, viber, talk icon -
telephone, phone, iphone, call, communication, mobile phone, mobile icon -
google, talk, voice, phone, telephone, call, bubble icon -
phone, office, telephone, tel, communication, business, call icon -
communication, business, phone, call, stroke, telephone, office icon -
communication, call, mobile, telephone, phone, message, smartphone icon -
number, telephone, phone number, phone, talk, numbers, contact, call icon -
telephone, call, message, phone, reciever, handrawn, communication icon -
speech, talk, contacts, communication, mobile, call, contact, telephone, chat icon -
phone, horizontal, device, iphone, communication, call, smartphone, telephone icon -
horizontal, phone, mobile, telephone, device, smartphone, communication, call icon -
phone, call, telephone, mobile icon -
communication, apple, telephone, phone, mobile, device, smartphone, call icon -
hang, telephone, hangup, up, phone, call, talk, number, ringing icon -
talk, phone, apps, smartphone, cellular, device, mobile, telephone, call icon -
vertical, phone, device, call, smartphone, communication, telephone, mobile, iphone icon